Assigning users to groups

When users and groups are created, it is straightforward to add a user to one or more of the groups to create an association in WLS LDAP:

  1. On the Users sub-tab, locate, under the Name column, Greg Limon.
  2. Click the Groups tab within the Settings for the Greg Limon page.
  3. Assign the Sales Team group by placing a check in the checkbox of the Sales Team option in the Available box.
  4. Using the middle arrows, click on the right-hand arrow so that the value of Sales Team appears in the Chosen box.
  5. Click the Save button.
  6. Return to the Usersand Groups > Users sub-tab by using the breadcrumb navigation at the top of the page under the Home, Log Out, Preferences menu.
  7. Repeat Steps 1 to Step 5 to assign the remainder of users to groups, using the following matrix to guide you:



Greg Limon

Sales Team

Binard Hinalt

Bicycle Technician

Sean Kelly

Sales Team

Eddy Merck

Bicycle Technician, Sales Team

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