Configuring a HTTP proxy with the NGINX web server

Let's take a HTTP web server, NGINX, well known in the industry for performance and flexibility, and add it to our server to enable URL access to OBIEE without requiring port numbers. You'll first download the NGINX web server, begin the quick configuration, and then test the results:

  1. Download NGINX for the Windows OS (or your *Nix OS) at .
  2. Select the latest Mainline version for NGINX/Windows.
  3. Before installing NGINX, make sure that your IIS services are stopped and that it, and no other service, is listening on the default port 80. You can do this by clicking on Server Manager accessing Roles | Web Server (IIS), and then double-clicking on Internet Information Services. In the IIS Manager, right-click on the server name and select the Stop option.
  4. Create a folder on the Windows OS in the C: drive called NGINX.
  5. Copy the downloaded NGINX .zip file into this directory and then extract the file to this location so that you have the path and file, C:NGINXnginx-<version>nginx.exe available.
  6. Open a command prompt as an Administrator.
  7. In the command prompt:
    1. Change the directory to the NGINX file location, cd C:NGINXnginx-<version>
    2. Execute the following command:
    start nginx
  8. Open the Windows task manager and verify that one or two nginx.exe... services are running.
  9. Open a web browser and navigate to the URL, http://localhost, and you should receive a message stating, Welcome to nginx!

In order to now configure the proxy reference to the /analytics portal for Oracle BI, you need to update a configuration file in the path where you have installed/copied the NGINX downloaded application:

  1. Access the path where you copied NGINX.exe, for example, C:NGINXnginx-<version>.
  2. Open the directory, conf, which is a child directory of the main nginx-<version> directory.
  3. Open the nginx.conf file for editing so that a few straightforward changes can be made.
  4. Edit the file by locating the first reference to a line with server { in the line.
  5. Directly above the server { line make some space by creating a few line breaks and then enter the following code:
    #obiee 12c book example proxy
     	  server { # simple reverse-proxy
     		listen       80;
     		server_name  localhost;
     		# pass requests for dynamic content to app server
     		location / {
     		  proxy_pass      http://localhost:9502;
  6. The preceding code (don't forget the starting and ending brackets) provides a very simple configuration for a server reference, listening on port 80 for the server name of localhost where any location URL path entered (/) will proxy to the URL http://localhost on port 9500. Also, not that the pound (#) represents commenting out any characters on the same line that come after it.
  7. Save the nginx.conf file.
  8. Return to the command prompt you have open where you started the NGINX server using the start nginx command.
  9. In the command prompt enter the following command:
            nginx.exe -s reload

    This will reload the configuration file with your changes into the server to take effect.

  10. Open a web browser and now enter the URL, http://localhost/analytics.


Note how you are now taken to the OBIEE server portal page and can log in without any problem. When you log in, the URL remains without the port number, just as you desired.

Configuring a HTTP proxy with the NGINX web server

There is so much more to learn about HTTP servers and how they relate to load balancing and other capabilities to modify the entry point URL or DNS seen by users. We've found that not all network administrators, from company to company, are created equally. So be sure to solicit time or advice from a professional services group when you have some unique requirements or special connectivity needs around accessing your analytics portal across the network, or if you think your system access could be more fluid within the organization.

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