Monitoring system performance

Ideally an application server environment will monitor itself, regulate itself to optimize performance, and resolve any issues automatically if they occur. However, this is, of course, just wishful thinking! But luckily, WLS does at least provide mechanisms to monitor the environment and perhaps programmatically integrate monitoring with some of your existing IT standards for monitoring software. The ability to monitor WLS is available from the WLS Dashboard. This can be a very helpful means of gauging request loads, most active applications, and peak load times, all of which can contribute to a better understanding of when and in which direction to optimize the server(s).

Another approach to monitoring Oracle BI is under the analytics server itself. By entering the URL, http://<bi_server>:9502/analytics/saw.dll?Perfmon, a diagnostic view is displayed. This information provides insight into current activity and peak uses within the Oracle BI System Components. Taking this information into account, combined with information from the WLS Dashboard, and possibly other sources such as Windows Server's Perfmon logs, the load-balancing servers and database-monitoring services, you should have enough data to make an informed decision on tuning the Oracle BI environment for optimal performance:

Monitoring system performance

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