Using the Security Realm migration utility

When migrating security, there are really two scenarios proposed to artifacts on your target environment: clean or dirty. If you have already done a clean migration (that is, the first time) to your target once, then the environment is now dirty. So, subsequent migrations must take into consideration the possibility of overwriting or replacing existing items. Regarding Security Realm migration, the WLS Security Realm migration utility handles all of this for you. For example, if you export a Security Realm from Development and it contains a group named BIAdministrators that also exists in the Production environment, the import into Production will not overwrite the BIAdministrators group already existing there.

To understand how to migrate the default Security Realm from one environment to another, follow these steps:

  1. Open the WLS Administration Console and navigate to Security Realms > myrealm.
  2. Click the Migration tab.
  3. Click the Export sub-tab.
  4. Enter a temporary path on the physical server where the Oracle BI implementation resides, for example, C:TempMyExport, in the Export Directory on Server field. The file path you enter must already exist:

    Using the Security Realm migration utility

  5. Click the Save button.
  6. A success message should appear at the top of the page, below the breadcrumbs section of the WLS Admin console. The resulting directory should have several DAT files now created inside it, and should appear similar to the following screenshot:

    Using the Security Realm migration utility

  7. To import this Security Realm's exported metadata to a target system, copy all DAT files to the target environment and place them in a similar location, for example, C:TempMyImport.
  8. Open the WebLogic Administration Console in the target environment and navigate to Security Realms > myrealm.
  9. Click the Migration tab and the Import sub-tab.
  10. Enter the folder path on the target server, where you placed the exported files from the source environment in the Import Directory on Server field.
  11. Click the Save button; the import will begin and fairly quickly return a message towards the top of the page denoting success.

Following the preceding steps, you have successfully migrated a single Security Realm from one environment to another. Unless you checked the Overwrite checkbox when you exported the Security Realm, WLS will automatically use a difference algorithm to ensure that no users, groups, and so on are overwritten in the target environment.

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