





Selected List of Symbols

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Part IElectromagnetics of Bounded Simple Media

1.Electromagnetics of Simple Media


1.2Simple Medium

1.3Time-Domain Electromagnetics

1.3.1Radiation by an Impulse Current Source

1.4Time-Harmonic Fields

1.5Quasistatic and Static Approximations

1.6Maxwell’s Equations in Integral Form and Circuit Parameters


2.Electromagnetics of Simple Media: One-Dimensional Solution

2.1Uniform Plane Waves in Sourceless Medium (ρV = 0, Jsource = 0)

2.2Good Conductor Approximation

2.3Uniform Plane Wave in a Good Conductor: Skin Effect

2.4Boundary Conditions at the Interface of a Perfect Electric Conductor with a Dielectric

2.5AC Resistance

2.6AC Resistance of Round Wires

2.7Voltage and Current Harmonic Waves: Transmission Lines

2.8Bounded Transmission Line

2.9Electromagnetic Wave Polarization

2.10Arbitrary Direction of Propagation

2.11Wave Reflection

2.12Incidence of p Wave: Parallel-Polarized

2.13Incidence of s Wave: Perpendicular-Polarized

2.14Critical Angle and Surface Wave

2.15One-Dimensional Cylindrical Wave and Bessel Functions


3.Two-Dimensional Problems and Waveguides

3.1Two-Dimensional Solutions in Cartesian Coordinates

3.2TMmn Modes in a Rectangular Waveguide

3.3TEmn Modes in a Rectangular Waveguide

3.4Dominant Mode in a Rectangular Waveguide: TE10 Mode

3.5Power Flow in a Waveguide: TE10 Mode

3.6Attenuation of TE10 Mode due to Imperfect Conductors and Dielectric Medium

3.7Cylindrical Waveguide: TM Modes

3.8Cylindrical Waveguide: TE Modes

3.9Sector Waveguide

3.10Dielectric Cylindrical Waveguide: Optical Fiber


4.Three-Dimensional Solutions

4.1Rectangular Cavity with PEC Boundaries: TM Modes

4.2Rectangular Cavity with PEC Boundaries: TE Modes

4.3Q of a Cavity


5.Spherical Waves and Applications

5.1Half-Integral Bessel Functions

5.2Solutions of Scalar Helmholtz Equation

5.3Vector Helmholtz Equation

5.4TMr Modes

5.5TEr Modes

5.6Spherical Cavity

6.Laplace Equation: Static and Low-Frequency Approximations

6.1One-Dimensional Solutions

6.2Two-Dimensional Solutions

6.2.1Cartesian Coordinates

6.2.2Circular Cylindrical Coordinates

6.3Three-Dimensional Solution

6.3.1Cartesian Coordinates

6.3.2Cylindrical Coordinates

6.3.3Spherical Coordinates


7.Miscellaneous Topics on Waves

7.1Group Velocity vg

7.2Green’s Function

7.3Network Formulation

7.3.1ABCD Parameters

7.3.2S Parameters

7.4Stop Bands of a Periodic Media


7.5.1Hertzian Dipole

7.5.2Half-Wave Dipole

7.5.3Dipoles of Arbitrary Length

7.5.4Shaping the Radiation Pattern

7.5.5Antenna Problem as a Boundary Value Problem

7.5.6Traveling Wave Antenna and Cerenkov Radiation

7.5.7Small Circular Loop Antenna

7.5.8Other Practical Radiating Systems


7.6.1Cylindrical Wave Transformations

7.6.2Calculation of Current Induced on the Cylinder

7.6.3Scattering Width


7.7.1Magnetic Current and Electric Vector Potential

7.7.2Far-Zone Fields and Radiation Intensity

7.7.3Elemental Plane Wave Source and Radiation Intensity

7.7.4Diffraction by the Circular Hole


Part IIElectromagnetic Equations of Complex Media

8.Electromagnetic Modeling of Complex Materials

8.1Volume of Electric Dipoles

8.2Frequency-Dependent Dielectric Constant

8.3Modeling of Metals

8.3.1Case 1: ω < ν and ν2ωp2 (Low-Frequency Region)

8.3.2Case 2: ν < ω < ωp (Intermediate-Frequency Region)

8.3.3Case 3: ω > ωp (High-Frequency Region)

8.4Plasma Medium

8.5Polarizability of Dielectrics

8.6Mixing Formula

8.7Good Conductors and Semiconductors

8.8Perfect Conductors and Superconductors

8.9Magnetic Materials

8.10Chiral Medium

8.11Plasmonics and Metamaterials


9.Waves in Isotropic Cold Plasma: Dispersive Medium

9.1Basic Equations

9.2Dielectric–Dielectric Spatial Boundary

9.3Reflection by a Plasma Half-Space

9.4Reflection by a Plasma Slab

9.5Tunneling of Power through a Plasma Slab

9.6Inhomogeneous Slab Problem

9.7Periodic Layers of Plasma

9.8Surface Waves

9.9Transient Response of a Plasma Half-Space

9.9.1Isotropic Plasma Half-Space s Wave

9.9.2Impulse Response of Several Other Cases Including Plasma Slab


9.11Perfect Dispersive Medium


10.Spatial Dispersion and Warm Plasma

10.1Waves in a Compressible Gas

10.2Waves in Warm Plasma

10.3Constitutive Relation for a Lossy Warm Plasma

10.4Dielectric Model of Warm Loss-Free Plasma

10.5Conductor Model of Warm Lossy Plasma

10.6Spatial Dispersion and Nonlocal Metal Optics

10.7Technical Definition of Plasma State

10.7.1Temperate Plasma

10.7.2Debye Length, Collective Behavior, and Overall Charge Neutrality

10.7.3Unneutralized Plasma


11.Wave in Anisotropic Media and Magnetoplasma


11.2Basic Field Equations for a Cold Anisotropic Plasma Medium

11.3One-Dimensional Equations: Longitudinal Propagation and L and R Waves

11.4One-Dimensional Equations: Transverse Propagation—O Wave

11.5One-Dimensional Solution: Transverse Propagation—X Wave

11.6Dielectric Tensor of a Lossy Magnetoplasma Medium

11.7Periodic Layers of Magnetoplasma

11.8Surface Magnetoplasmons

11.9Surface Magnetoplasmons in Periodic Media

11.10Permeability Tensor

11.11Reflection by a Warm Magnetoplasma Slab


12.Optical Waves in Anisotropic Crystals

12.1Wave Propagation in a Biaxial Crystal along the Principal Axes

12.2Propagation in an Arbitrary Direction

12.3Propagation in an Arbitrary Direction: Uniaxial Crystal


12.5Group Velocity as a Function of Polar Angle

12.6Reflection by an Anisotropic Half-Space


13.Time-Domain Solutions


13.2Transients on Bounded Ideal Transmission Lines

13.2.1Step Response for Resistive Terminations

13.2.2Response to a Rectangular Pulse

13.2.3Response to a Pulse with a Rise Time and Fall Time

13.2.4Source with Rise Time: Response to Reactive Load Terminations

13.2.5Response to Nonlinear Terminations

13.2.6Practical Applications of the Theory

13.3Transients on Lossy Transmission Lines

13.3.1Solution Using the Laplace Transform Technique Line Line Line

13.4Direct Solution in Time Domain: Klein–Gordon Equation

13.4.1Examples of Klein–Gordon Equation

13.5Nonlinear Transmission Line Equations and KdV Equation

13.5.1Korteweg-de-Vries (KdV) Equation and Its Solution

13.5.2KdV Approximation of NLTL Equation

13.6Charged Particle Dynamics



13.6.3Conservation of Particle Energy due to Stationary Electric and Magnetic Fields

13.6.4Constant Electric and Magnetic Fields Case of E = 0

13.6.5Constant Gravitational Field and Magnetic Field

13.6.6Drift Velocity in Nonuniform B Field

13.6.7Time-Varying Fields and Adiabatic Invariants

13.6.8Lagrange and Hamiltonian Formulations of Equations of Motion Formulation Ray Theory and Time Refraction Explained through Photon Theory

13.7Nuclear Electromagnetic Pulse and Time-Varying Conducting Medium

13.8Magnetohydrodynamics (MHD)

13.8.1Evolution of the B Field

13.9Time-Varying Electromagnetic Medium

13.9.1Frequency Change due to a Temporal Discontinuity in the Medium Properties

13.9.2Effect of Switching an Unbounded Isotropic Plasma Medium Creation of an Unbounded Plasma Medium

13.9.3Sudden Creation of a Plasma Slab

13.9.4Time-Varying Magnetoplasma Medium Field Equations Waves Propagation Creation Characteristics of Various R Waves

13.9.5Modeling of Building Up Plasma versus Collapsing Plasma Up Magnetoplasma Magnetoplasma

13.9.6Applications Frequency Transformer 10–1000 GHz

13.9.7Subcycle Time-Varying Medium

13.9.8Periodically Time-Varying Parameter, Mathieu Equation, and Parametric Resonance

13.10Statistical Mechanics and Boltzmann Equation

13.10.1Maxwell Distribution fM and Kinetic Definition of Temperature T

13.10.2Boltzmann Equation

13.10.3Boltzmann–Vlasov Equation

13.10.4Krook Model for Collisions

13.10.5Isotropic Dielectric Constant of Plasma

13.10.6Plasma Dispersion Function and Landau Damping


14.Electromagnetics of Moving Media: Uniform Motion


14.2Snell’s Law

14.3Galilean Transformation

14.4Lorentz Transformation

14.5Lorentz Scalars, Vectors, and Tensors

14.6Electromagnetic Equations in Four-Dimensional Space

14.7Lorentz Transformation of the Electromagnetic Fields

14.8Frequency Transformation and Phase Invariance

14.9Reflection from a Moving Medium

14.9.1Incident s-Wave

14.9.2Field Transformations

14.9.3Power Reflection Coefficient of a Moving Mirror for s-Wave Incidence

14.10Constitutive Relations for a Moving Dielectric

14.11Relativistic Particle Dynamics

14.12Transformation of Plasma Parameters

14.13Reflection by a Moving Plasma Slab

14.14Brewster Angle and Critical Angle for Moving Plasma Medium

14.15Bounded Plasmas Moving Perpendicular to the Plane of Incidence

14.16Waveguide Modes of Moving Plasmas

14.17Impulse Response of a Moving Plasma Medium

14.18First-Order Lorentz Transformation

14.19Alternate Form of Position Four-Vector


Part IIIAppendices

Appendix 1A: Vector Formulas and Coordinate Systems

Appendix 1B: Retarded Potentials and Review of Potentials for the Static Cases

Appendix 1C: Poynting Theorem

Appendix 1D: Low-Frequency Approximation of Maxwell’s Equations R, L, C, and Memristor M

Appendix 2A: AC Resistance of a Round Wire When the Skin Depth δ Is Comparable to the Radius a of the Wire

Appendix 2B: Transmission Lines: Power Calculation

Appendix 2C: Introduction to the Smith Chart

Appendix 2D: Nonuniform Transmission Lines

Appendix 4A: Calculation of Losses in a Good Conductor at High Frequencies: Surface Resistance RS

Appendix 6A: On Restricted Fourier Series Expansion

Appendix 7A: Two- and Three-Dimensional Green’s Functions

Appendix 8A: Wave Propagation in Chiral Media

Appendix 8B: Left-Handed Materials and Transmission Line Analogies

Appendix 9A: Backscatter from a Plasma Plume due to Excitation of Surface Waves

Appendix 10A: Thin Film Reflection Properties of a Warm Isotropic Plasma Slab between Two Half-Space Dielectric Media

Appendix 10B: First-Order Coupled Differential Equations for Waves in Inhomogeneous Warm Magnetoplasmas

Appendix 10C: Waveguide Modes of a Warm Drifting Uniaxial Electron Plasma

Appendix 11A: Faraday Rotation versus Natural Rotation

Appendix 11B: Ferrites and Permeability Tensor

Appendix 11C: Thin Film Reflection Properties of a Warm Magnetoplasma Slab: Coupling of Electromagnetic Wave with Electron Plasma Wave

Appendix 13A: Maxwell Stress Tensor and Electromagnetic Momentum Density

Appendix 13B: Electric and Magnetic Forces and Newton’s Third Law

Appendix 13C: Frequency and Polarization Transformer (10–1000 GHz): Interaction of a Whistler Wave with a Collapsing Plasma in a Cavity

Appendix 14A: Electromagnetic Wave Interaction with Moving Bounded Plasmas

Appendix 14B: Radiation Pressure Due to Plane Electromagnetic Waves Obliquely Incident on Moving Media

Appendix 14C: Reflection and Transmission of Electromagnetic Waves Obliquely Incident on a Relativistically Moving Uniaxial Plasma Slab

Appendix 14D: Brewster Angle for a Plasma Medium Moving at a Relativistic Speed

Appendix 14E: On Total Reflection of Electromagnetic Waves from Moving Plasmas

Appendix 14F: Interaction of Electromagnetic Waves with Bounded Plasmas Moving Perpendicular to the Plane of Incidence

Appendix 14G: Moving Point Charge and Lienard–Wiechert Potentials

Part IVChapter Problems



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