Sharing variables across cluster nodes

When we're working on a distributed environment, sometimes it is required to share information across nodes so that all the nodes can operate using consistent variables. Spark handles this case by providing two kinds of variables: read-only and write-only variables. By not ensuring that a shared variable is both readable and writable anymore, it also drops the consistency requirement, letting the hard work of managing this situation fall on the developer's shoulders. Usually, a solution is quickly reached as Spark is really flexible and adaptive.

Broadcast read-only variables

Broadcast variables are variables shared by the driver node, that is, the node running the IPython Notebook in our configuration, with all the nodes in the cluster. It's a read-only variable as the variable is broadcast by one node and never read back if another node changes it.

Let's now see how it works on a simple example: we want to one-hot encode a dataset containing just gender information as a string. Precisely, the dummy dataset contains just a feature that can be male M, female F, or unknown U (if the information is missing). Specifically, we want all the nodes to use a defined one-hot encoding, as listed in the following dictionary:

In:one_hot_encoding = {"M": (1, 0, 0),
                    "F": (0, 1, 0),
                    "U": (0, 0, 1)

Let's now try doing it step by step.

The easiest solution (it's not working though) is to parallelize the dummy dataset (or read it from the disk) and then use the map method on the RDD with a lambda function to map a gender to its encoded tuple:

In:(sc.parallelize(["M", "F", "U", "F", "M", "U"])
   .map(lambda x: one_hot_encoding[x])

[(1, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0), (0, 0, 1), (0, 1, 0), (1, 0, 0), (0, 0, 1)]

This solution works locally, but it won't operate on a real distributed environment as all the nodes don't have the one_hot_encoding variable available in their workspace. A quick workaround is to include the Python dictionary in the mapped function (that's distributed) as we manage to do here:

def map_ohe(x):
    ohe = {"M": (1, 0, 0),
           "F": (0, 1, 0),
           "U": (0, 0, 1)
    return ohe[x]

sc.parallelize(["M", "F", "U", "F", "M", "U"]).map(map_ohe).collect()

[(1, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0), (0, 0, 1), (0, 1, 0), (1, 0, 0), (0, 0, 1)] here are you I love you hello hi is that email with all leave formal minutes very worrying A hey

Such a solution works both locally and on the server, but it's not very nice: we mixed data and process, making the mapping function not reusable. It would be better if the mapping function refers to a broadcasted variable so that it can be used with whatsoever mapping we need to one-hot encode the dataset.

For this, we first broadcast the Python dictionary (calling the broadcast method provided by the Spark context, sc) inside the mapped function; using its .value property, we can now have access to it. After doing this, we have a generic map function that can work on any one-hot map dictionary:

In:bcast_map = sc.broadcast(one_hot_encoding)

def bcast_map_ohe(x, shared_ohe):
    return shared_ohe[x]

(sc.parallelize(["M", "F", "U", "F", "M", "U"])
 .map(lambda x: bcast_map_ohe(x, bcast_map.value))

[(1, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0), (0, 0, 1), (0, 1, 0), (1, 0, 0), (0, 0, 1)]

Think about the broadcasted variable as a file written in HDFS. Then, when a generic node wants to access it, it just needs the HDFS path (which is passed as an argument of the map method) and you're sure that all of them will read the same thing, using the same path. Of course, Spark doesn't use HDFS, but an in-memory variation of it.


Broadcasted variables are saved in-memory in all the nodes composing a cluster; therefore, they never share a large amount of data that can fill them and make the following processing impossible.

To remove a broadcasted variable, use the unpersist method on the broadcasted variable. This operation will free up the memory of that variable on all the nodes:


Accumulators write-only variables

The other variables that can be shared in a Spark cluster are accumulators. Accumulators are write-only variables that can be added together and are used typically to implement sums or counters. Just the driver node, the one that is running the IPython Notebook, can read its value; all the other nodes can't.

Let's see how it works using an example: we want to process a text file and understand how many lines are empty while processing it. Of course, we can do this by scanning the dataset twice (using two Spark jobs): the first one counting the empty lines, and the second time doing the real processing, but this solution is not very effective.

In the first, ineffective solution—extracting the number of empty lines using two standalone Spark jobs—we can read the text file, filter the empty lines, and count them, as shown here:

In:print "The number of empty lines is:"

   .filter(lambda line: len(line) == 0)

Out:The number of empty lines is:

The second solution is instead more effective (and more complex). We instantiate an accumulator variable (with the initial value of 0) and we add 1 for each empty line that we find while processing each line of the input file (with a map). At the same time, we can do some processing on each line; in the following piece of code, for example, we simply return 1 for each line, counting all the lines in the file in this way.

At the end of the processing, we will have two pieces of information: the first is the number of lines, from the result of the count() action on the transformed RDD, and the second is the number of empty lines contained in the value property of the accumulator. Remember, both of these are available after having scanned the dataset once:

In:accum = sc.accumulator(0)

def split_line(line):   
    if len(line) == 0:
    return 1

tot_lines = (

empty_lines = accum.value

print "In the file there are %d lines" % tot_lines
print "And %d lines are empty" % empty_lines

Out:In the file there are 31 lines
And 6 lines are empty

Natively, Spark supports accumulators of numeric types, and the default operation is a sum. With a bit more coding, we can turn it into something more complex.

Broadcast and accumulators together – an example

Although broadcast and accumulators are simple and very limited variables (one is read-only, the other one is write-only), they can be actively used to create very complex operations. For example, let's try to apply different machine learning algorithms on the Iris dataset in a distributed environment. We will build a Spark job in the following way:

  1. The dataset is read and broadcasted to all the nodes (as it's small enough to fit in-memory).
  2. Each node will use a different classifier on the dataset and return the classifier name and its accuracy score on the full dataset. Note that, to keep things easy in this simple example, we won't do any preprocessing, train/test splitting, or hyperparameter optimization.
  3. If the classifiers raise any exception, the string representation of the error along with the classifier name should be stored in an accumulator.
  4. The final output should contain a list of the classifiers that performed the classification task without errors and their accuracy score.

As the first step, we load the Iris dataset and broadcast it to all the nodes in the cluster:

In:from sklearn.datasets import load_iris

bcast_dataset = sc.broadcast(load_iris())

Now, let's create a custom accumulator. It will contain a list of tuples to store the classifier name and the exception it experienced as a string. The custom accumulator is derived by the AccumulatorParam class and should contain at least two methods: zero (which is called when it's initialized) and addInPlace (which is called when the add method is called on the accumulator).

The easiest way to do this is shown in the following code, followed by its initialization as an empty list. Mind that the additive operation is a bit tricky: we need to combine two elements, a tuple, and a list, but we don't know which element is the list and which is the tuple; therefore, we first ensure that both elements are lists and then we can proceed to concatenate them in an easy way (with the + operator):

In:from pyspark import AccumulatorParam

class ErrorAccumulator(AccumulatorParam):
    def zero(self, initialList):
        return initialList

    def addInPlace(self, v1, v2):
        if not isinstance(v1, list):
            v1 = [v1]
        if not isinstance(v2, list):
            v2 = [v2]
        return v1 + v2

errAccum = sc.accumulator([], ErrorAccumulator())

Now, let's define the mapping function: each node should train, test, and evaluate a classifier on the broadcasted Iris dataset. As an argument, the function will receive the classifier object and should return a tuple containing the classifier name and its accuracy score contained in a list.

If any exception is raised by doing so, the classifier name and exception as a string are added to the accumulator, and it's returned as an empty list:

def apply_classifier(clf, dataset):

    clf_name = clf.__class__.__name__
    X =
    y =

        from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score, y)
        y_pred = clf.predict(X)
        acc = accuracy_score(y, y_pred)

        return [(clf_name, acc)]

    except Exception as e:
        errAccum.add((clf_name, str(e)))
        return []

Finally, we have arrived at the core of the job. We're now instantiating a few objects from Scikit-learn (some of them are not classifiers, in order to test the accumulator). We will transform them into an RDD and apply the map function that we created in the previous cell. As the returned value is a list, we can use flatMap to collect just the outputs of the mappers that didn't get caught in any exception:

In:from sklearn.linear_model import SGDClassifier
from sklearn.dummy import DummyClassifier
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
from sklearn.manifold import MDS

classifiers = [DummyClassifier('most_frequent'), 

     .flatMap(lambda x: apply_classifier(x, bcast_dataset))

Out:[('DummyClassifier', 0.33333333333333331),
 ('SGDClassifier', 0.66666666666666663)]

As expected, only the real classifiers are contained in the output. Let's now see which classifiers generated an error. Unsurprisingly, here we spot the two missing ones from the preceding output:

In:print "The errors are:"

Out:The errors are:
 [('PCA', "'PCA' object has no attribute 'predict'"),
 ('MDS', "Proximity must be 'precomputed' or 'euclidean'. Got euclidean instead")]

As a final step, let's clean up the broadcasted dataset:


Remember that in this example, we've used a small dataset that could be broadcasted. In real-world big data problems, you'll need to load the dataset from HDFS, broadcasting the HDFS path.

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