Customizing the Appearance of the System Tray


Unlike the ApplicationBar, the SystemTray class uses dependency properties, making it compatible with the XAML data binding infrastructure. SystemTray has the following four display-related properties:

Image BackgroundColor

Image ForegroundColor

Image Opacity

Image IsVisible

Each of these properties coincides with the ApplicationBar properties. In the sample, the SystemTray is bound to the same viewmodel properties as the AppBar, as shown:

    shell:SystemTray.IsVisible="{Binding SystemTrayVisible}"
    shell:SystemTray.BackgroundColor="{Binding BackgroundColor}"
    shell:SystemTray.ForegroundColor="{Binding ForegroundColor}"
    shell:SystemTray.Opacity="{Binding BarOpacity}">

Thus, when you alter the appearance of the application bar, the changes are also applied to the system tray.

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