Creating a custom bulleted list when planning a brochure

A company or organization's brochure is used to give an outline of its services or activities, as well as to create a memorable image that clients will recognize.

Important elements of brochure design include:

  • Title: Usually the name of the company, in large type
  • Logo: An eye-catching cover image
  • Some descriptive photos with text

Brochures usually have limited space, which is why it is important to present the company's profile in a concise, bulleted list. It can look like it does in the following screenshot:

Creating a custom bulleted list when planning a brochure

A bulleted list makes the outline of your services easier to read and more attractive to look at, compared to a solid body of text. This recipe describes how to use the company's logo or other representative image as a custom bullet in such a list.

Getting ready

Design a brochure based on any of the iWork templates. Choose a page or a panel that you will use for the list outlining your services. As an example, we shall use a simple logo—a white letter A inside a green oval.

Getting ready

How to do it...

The following steps describe how to add a custom image—the company logo—to a list in the brochure:

  1. Type—or copy and paste—your text into the iWork document. Select all paragraphs that will have bullets.
  2. In Text Inspector, click on the List tab and then click on the Bullets & Numbering drop-down menu.
  3. In the drop-down menu, click on Choose Image.... When the dialog opens, find the image that you have created for the bullets and click on Open. All paragraphs in the selected text will use the image as bullets:
    How to do it...
  4. To change the size of the bullet, click on the up or down arrows in the Size window, or type in a size, for example, 150%.
    How to do it...
  5. To move the bullet up or down, so that it is aligned with the text, click on the up or down arrows in the Align window.
  6. If you have a body of text above or below your list, you may want to indent the list. To indent just the text, click on the up or down arrow in the Text Indent window. The bullets will stay where they are.
  7. To indent the bullets too, click on the up and down arrows in the Bullet Indent window.
  8. When you are satisfied with the look of your list, you can save it as a list style to use in other company literature:
    1. Select a paragraph with the custom image bullet.
    2. Open Styles Drawer under the View menu—or from the View drop-down menu—in the document. You can also use the shortcut key Command + Shift + T.
    3. In the List Styles window, click on the black arrow to open the drop-down menu, and choose Create New List Style from Selection.... Type in a name for the list, for example, Brochure list example.
    4. The next time you want to use this bulleted style, select the text, open Styles Drawer, and click on the Brochure list example list style.
    How to do it...
  9. To change the bullet image, click in the paragraph with the bullet, open Text Inspector, and click on List. The Choose window will be shown under Custom Image. Drag the new image into the Custom Image window. When it shows a plus sign, let go. The image will be replaced.

How it works...

Adding a custom bullet to just one paragraph is enough. After this, when you hit Return, the next paragraph will automatically be formatted in the same way as the preceding paragraph.

If you've finished with the list and want to return to the usual text format, press Shift and then hit Return. The next paragraph will not have the list format, but will still have the indents. Remove the indent by using Text Inspector. Select the List tab. Then, click on the down arrow next to the Text Indent window.

You can also choose No Bullets for the paragraph where you want to return to your usual text format.

There's more...

Instead of your company logo, you can add photos that are related to your services. Drag the photo to the Custom Image well and it will replace any image that is already there. You can replace the company logo with the picture views of Paris.

There's more...

(Photos by Benh Lieu Song and Sanchezn)

There is a choice of attractive Image Bullets, including a selection of checkboxes that can also be used for questionnaires.

See also

  • The Creating drop caps with the Custom Image bullets recipe in Chapter 2, Working with Text
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