
I am indebted to the thousands of readers of my blog, I Work in Pages, whose enthusiasm, queries, and words of encouragement prompted me to probe further into the power of iWork and discover more tricks and solutions.

Walt Hempton, recently deceased, helped me to better understand the principles of print production and the power of Macs when we worked together on one of the first Apple Mac publishing systems.

Graphic Designer Shu Milne was invaluable in helping me with design tips and cross-platfrom suggestions. Press photographer Mike Forster has a tremendous eye for a good shot and an inimitable ability to explain how photography works.

My gratitude also goes to Maia Vaswani and Richard Allen for their generous support and enthusiastic participation in our iWork publication.

And thanks to my mother Viola Anichkina, a veteran editor and journalist, for her advice on the structure and organization of my work.

And, finally and always, my love and thanks go to Miranda Ingram, without whose support and thoughtful edits, this book would not have been completed.

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