o not use the zenith angle of the sun at noon in winter as the best angle to limit shading.
Calculating for solar noon will give you shade-free conditions only at noon.
You must calculate the shadows from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. to eliminate shading. Using 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
for determining year-round shading also will address seasonal shading that many people do not readily
consider for the array.
congruent with other materials. Depending
on PV site location, materials can be made of
the following:
Stainless steel
Galvanized steel
Rust-resistant aluminum
Painted wood
BOS Layout
The BOS components must be configured to
allow PV workers and maintenance per-
sonnel access for testing and repair. The BOS
layout should also be accessible for discon-
necting all of the components.
The location of the PV modules also
determines the placement of the BOS equip-
ment. Standard roof-mounted PV modules
usually have 20- to 25-year performance
warranties and lesser warranties on manu-
factured defects. However, many of the new
roof tiles installed have much shorter war-
ranties. Choosing these products affects the
risk level.
Make certain that the roof is equipped to mount PV modules and corre-
sponding mechanisms. The roof needs to be strong enough to uphold the PV
equipment for 20 years plus and preferably 40 years. For roof-mounted mod-
ules, ensure that the combiner boxes are close to the modules and out of direct
Configure the system to allow ample room for workers to
access BOS components during and after installation.
Courtesy of PerfectPower, Inc.
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