Problem Test
Faulty fuse Visual inspection
Multimeter measurement
Defective string diode Multimeter measurement
Short-circuit/earth leakage Visual inspection
Insulation resistance
Defective surge voltage
Visual inspection
Multimeter measurement
Over/under voltage
Insulation resistance
Increased earthing resistance Earthing resistance measurement
Monitoring Operating Data and Presentation
By monitoring data, you are able to deal promptly with faults and failures. Swift
action means that the PV system will not endure any damage. Swift action also
means that the customer will not lose money. Faults or breakdowns can some-
times take months to discover. These breakdowns can be quickly located with a
monitoring system in place. It is your responsibility to make sure the system is
fully operational, especially during the warranty.
Every minute the PV system is not working at capacity, it is a money-losing
proposition for the client. It is your responsibility to make sure the system is fully
operational, especially during the warranty.
You cannot have a legitimate, sustainable, or long-term professional PV busi-
ness if you do not install good monitoring on your systems and use it!
Nearly all inverter product companies provide some form of operating data
technology. This technology records inverter functions within the device. There is
usually some form of interactive, Web-based, external monitoring system as well.
Devices can display the measurements on the inverter itself. The device also can
send the data to a server. That data can be accessed via a password-protected web-
site for customer use. Some inverters will perform a system check automatically.
Automatic system checks indicate only noticeable faults within the system perfor-
mance data. Analysis of some form will pick up the faults and irregularities that
CHAPTER 10 Quality Control, Testing, Troubleshooting, Monitoring 249
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