Working Safely with PV Systems
Working safely with PV systems requires a clear understanding of electrical sys-
tems and safety requirements. It also requires following strict safety practices.
Working with PV systems can be very dangerous and calls for careful and respon-
sible action. Workers must approach every step with common sense based on
safety training. Workers on a project site must be alert and follow safety require-
ments and regulations at all times because of the risk for property damage, per-
sonal injury, or even death.
Construction sites contain numerous and often continually changing risks,
such as:
Minor to serious cuts
Tripping and falling
Environmental and equipment-generated heat, smoke, or fire
Chemical and electrical burns
Shock and electrocution
Falling objects
The cause of such incidents is usually human error, such as carelessness or
failure to follow well-established safety procedures. Installing PV systems means
knowing the hazards of every product, situation, and tool. Knowing and antici-
pating what can happen may save you or your team members from serious injury
and/or death. An alert worker considers how his or her actions affect the installer,
other workers, and customers. That knowledge is crucial.
Connecting and Operating PV Systems
Everyone working on PV systems should know and clearly
understand the safety regulations of the National Electrical
Code (NEC) and Occupational Safety and Health
When you complete this chapter, you will be able to:
Discuss the specific safety needs for parts of the PV system.
List the marking and labeling requirements for installing PV systems.
Discuss the types of non-habitable buildings.
Explain access, pathway, and smoke ventilation requirements.
Discuss safety tips and hints for testing PV systems.
Wear gloves when handling anything
that could be sharp or hot, or that
might splinter.
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