Absorbed glass mat (AGM) batteries, 114
Absorption stage, batteries, 169
AC. See Alternating current
Acceptance test, 14
Access requirements, 35–37
Acid, in batteries, 111
Acid stratification, 117
Aging effects, batteries, 117
AGM (absorbed glass mat) batteries, 114
AHJ (authority having jurisdiction), 4, 9
AIR (Amperes Interrupting Rating),
Alternating current (AC)
defined, 3
distribution systems, 106
grounding, 194–195
installations, 11–13, 176
wires, color codes, 190
Aluminum materials, 49
Ambient temperature correction factors,
182, 183–185t
conductor, 195–197
copper wire, 182–183t, 182
Ampere ratings, 197
Amperes (A), 244
Amperes Interrupting Rating (AIR),
Amp-hours, determination of,
Anchoring parts, 79
Appurtenant structure, 221
Archimedes hydrometers, 246
checklist for, 59
cleaning, 56, 56f
defined, 3
design of, 131–132
direct coupling, 125–126
disconnects, 199
freestanding, 155
ground-fault protection, 190–191
grounding continuity, 189
installation of, 16, 55, 55f, 81–82, 191
interconnecting, 14
loads for, 109, 109f
location of, 4, 81–82
maintenance, 240–243, 241f
mounting, 13–14, 13f
panel interconnection, 177
permit information, 213
rack-mounted, 155
service of, 191
Figures and tables are indicated by f and t following the page number.
sizing of, 126–134, 142–144
tracking, 81
As-built drawings, 224, 225f
Attic spaces, 97–98, 97f
Authority having jurisdiction (AHJ), 4, 9
Avoided cost (surplus electricity), 217
Azimuth angle, 71
Baking soda, 32, 98, 121
Balance-of-system (BOS)
defined, 3
layout, 156–157, 156f
locations and layout, 145
aging effects, 117
amp-hour vs. watt-hour, 128–130
cables, 112, 164
capacity of, 115
charging, 116–117, 121
conversion losses, 130
defined, 5
direct coupling, 125–126
discharging, 116
disconnects, 200
installation, 54–55, 118–119, 119f
label information, 211, 212f
maintenance, 118–119, 243–244, 243–244f
recycling, 121
safety issues, 31, 98, 112, 166–168
selection criteria, 118
sizing of, 120–121
in standalone systems, 110–118, 113f
storage of, 5
wiring, 166–168
Battery banks, 119, 120
Battery rooms/containers, 111
Behavior of system, long-term, 251
Block batteries, 114
Bonding equipment, 236–237
BOS. See Balance-of-system
Branch circuits, 109
Breakdowns and faults, 232–233, 232f
Budgets, 2–3, 131
Building codes and regulations, 87–103
marking and labeling, 41, 99–101, 100f
NEC, 95–99
OSHA regulations, 89–95
overview, 87–88
Building-integrated systems, 82–83
Building shading, 73, 74, 74f
Building survey and system checklist, 145–148
Bulk-charging phase, batteries, 169
Bypass diode, 140
Cable assemblies, 34
battery, 112, 164
charge controller, 134
checklist for, 147
conversion and adjustment losses, 130
electrical, 232
laying of, 177–178
California Energy Commissions Guide to
Photovoltaic (PV) System Design and
Installation, 10–11
Canopies, 80, 83
Cells, sealed and vented, 31
Charge controllers
cables, 134
description of, 116, 168–170
disconnects, 200–201
maintenance, 244–245
for standalone systems, 122–123
Charge efficiency, batteries, 117
Charge factor, batteries, 117
Charging batteries, 116–117, 121
arrays, 59
cables, 147
conductors, 147
diagrams, 58
installation, 11, 57–61
inverters, 13, 58, 146–147
meters, 146–147
modules, 59
overcurrent protection, 60
266  Index
shading, 140–145, 140f
source circuit strings, 12
system, 145–148
system acceptance test, 14
wiring, 60
Circuit breakers, 109, 160. See also Fuses;
Overcurrent protection
defined, 54
source, 157
voltage drop for, 162–163
Cladding, 79
Clipping, 144
Codes. See also National Electrical Code;
Occupational Safety and Health Administration
compliance with, 4, 108, 220
current voltage, 39–40
grounding, 40–41
voltage, 39–40
Combiner box, defined, 6
Commercial buildings
safety requirements, 37
service entrance section, 19, 19f, 146
Components installation, 54–55
Concrete materials, 49
ampacity, 195–197
checklist for, 147
color codes, 190
grounding electrode, 192
overcurrent protection, 17
placement of, 15
sizing of, 163–164
temperature ratings, 186, 186–187t
undergrounded, 40
ungrounded, 192
airflow around, 5
temperature and, 160–162
Connection of system, 175–203
array ground-fault protection, 190–191
array installation and service, 191
conductor ampacity, 195–197
conductor color codes, 190
connectors for, 189
disconnecting means, 199–201
elements, 79
grounding, 190f, 191–195
modules, 181–190, 182–187t, 182f
overcurrent protection, 197–199, 198–199f
overview, 175–176
safety practices, 24–32
series vs. parallel, 142
system installation, 176–181, 178f,
to utility company, 5, 9, 55–56
Construction methods for façade
structures, 79
Consumption of electricity, 126
Continuous loads, 17
Converters, underground, 40
Copper wire ampacity, 182, 182–183t
Corrosion, batteries, 117
Current, 115
Current-limiting fuses, 198
Current voltage code, 39–40
Customer needs
consulting, 70–71
defining, 2–3, 69–70
Cylindrical batteries, 114
DC. See Direct current
Deep discharge protection (DDP), 123
Depth of discharge (DOD), 32, 112
arrays, 131–132
batteries, 112–114
electrical system parts, 157–168
installation, 52–53
mechanical system parts, 151–157
modules, 158–160
roof-mounted systems, 152–155, 152–155f
standalone systems, 109–110
system, 2–5, 7, 148–168
Diagrams checklist, 58
Diesel/gas hybrid generators, 170–171
Digital multimeters, 246
Index 267
Diode, bypass, 140
Direct coupling, 125–126
Direct current (DC)
circuits, 164
conductors, location and protection of,
37–38, 38f
conduit, marking of, 34
defined, 3
distribution systems, 106
grounding, 194, 195
installations, 11–13, 176
voltmeters, 116
wires, color codes, 190
Direct shading, 73, 76, 76f
Discharging batteries, 116
Disconnecting means, 199–201, 199f
Disconnect sizing, 160
Disconnect systems
defined, 55
marking, 36
permit information, 214
safety requirements, 40, 40f, 108
Distilled water, 121
Distribution systems, 106–109
Diversion charge controllers, 168
DOD (depth of discharge), 32, 112
as-built, 224, 225f
consistency in, 7
one-line, 209, 210f
Efficiency determination, 127–128
Electrical cable, 232
Electrical demand, assessing, 71–72
Electrical losses, minimizing, 4–5
Electrical safety
injuries and, 25–26
OSHA regulations, 92–93
working spaces, 29–30, 97–98
Electrical system parts, design of, 157–168
Electricity consumption, 126
Electric shock potential, 25, 112
Electrode grounding, 195
Electrolyte, 111
Enclosures, 34
Energy audits, 15, 51
Energy efficiency
batteries, 117
optimizing, 143
Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy
Clearinghouse (EREC), 68, 69
Equalization stage, batteries, 169
bonding, 236–237
disconnects, 200
grounding, 41
installation recommendations, 48–49
maintenance, 245–247
overcurrent protection, 17
personal protection, 28, 91–92
programming, 234–235
recommendations for, 10, 48–49
testing and approvals for, 99
EREC (Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy
Clearinghouse), 68, 69
ETL Testing Laboratories, Inc., 99
Existing structures, electrical demand
assessment, 71
Expandability of systems, 131–132
Extensible markup language (XML), 250
Façades, 78–80
Falls, protection from, 26–28, 93–94
Fastenings, 79
Faults in system, 232–233, 232f
Financial incentives for solar energy, 178, 218
Financing off-grid homes, 108.
See also Incentive programs
Fire inspectors, 101
Fixed-mounted systems, 81
Fixed solar shading devices, 80
Flat roofs, 78
Float charge, 169
Freestanding arrays, 155
Fuses, 160, 164, 198–199, 198f. See also Circuit
breakers; Overcurrent protection
268  Index
Gas/diesel hybrid generators, 170–171
Gassing, 111
Gassing voltage, 116
Gel batteries, 114
General safety, 89–90
Generators, 122–123, 146–147, 170–171
GFCIs (ground-fault circuit interrupters), 108–109
GFP (ground-fault protection), 165–166
Glass roofs, 80
Glazing system, 79
Government incentives for solar energy, 178, 218
connecting, 217–218
defined, 5
Grid-connected/tied system, 15, 15f, 67, 178–181,
178f, 180–181f
Grid-plate batteries, 112–114
Ground-fault circuit interrupters (GFCIs), 108–109
Ground-fault protection (GFP), 165–166
array continuity, 189
bonding equipment, 236–237
code, 40–41, 214
electrode conductor, 192
purpose of, 164–165
types of, 190f, 191–195
Ground-mounted systems, 38–39, 39f, 61
Guarantees, 10, 231–232
Guardrails, 27
Handrails, 27
Hand tools, 28
Homeowner Associations (HOAs), 216–217
Horizontal angle, 71
Hybrid gas/diesel generators, 170–171
Hydrogen gas, 111
Hydrometers, 116, 246
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics
Engineers), 219
Imp (maximum power current), 158
Incentive programs, 178, 218
electrical, 25–26
falls, 26–28
and equipment labels, 99
fire inspectors, 101
guidelines for, 206–207, 207f
performance, 235–239, 247
process for, 222–224
roof, 8
signoffs, 57
by utility companies, 9
Installation, 47–63
arrays, 55, 176–177
batteries, 54–55
California style, 10–11
checklists, 57–61
components, 54–55
design of, 52–53
equipment recommendations, 48–49
grades of, 106, 107f
grid-connected system, 15
maintenance and operation, 56–57
materials recommendations, 48–49
permit requirements, 52–53
preparation for, 15–19, 50–51
recommendations, 9–10, 48–49
signoffs, 57
site assessment, 3, 7, 50f
stages of, 5–9, 6f
steps, 53–54
system, 176–181, 178f, 180–181f
for top performance, 11–15
utility connection, 55–56
wiring, 54
Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers
(IEEE), 219
Insulation, thermal, 79
Insurance requirements, 221–222
Interactive system point of interconnection, 135
Interconnection of arrays, 14
Interconnection to utility companies, 5, 9
Internet-based system evaluation, 250
Index 269
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