Proof of liability insurance on the PV
system, if required
Any other information they may
require for safety, policy, or
other reasons
The utility company can make the
approval process extremely easy or extremely
hard. Some utilities are very open to inde-
pendent PV technology applications, and
some are not.
Making the Connection
After the grid-tied system has passed inspec-
tion by the AHJ, contact the local utility
company for inspection. This may be the
responsibility of the authority having juris-
diction (AHJ), you as the integrator, or the
customer. The utility has to sign off on the
PV system. The sign-off is needed for the PV
system to be operational on the utility grid.
The utility company will present the inter-
connection agreement to the customer. The
interconnection agreement provides rights
to grid connection. Interconnection agree-
ments also will have restrictions that the
utility requires. Pay close attention to the
language in the document. Sometimes the
utility company wants to inspect and test the
PV systems automatic disconnect operation.
This is actually to the customer’s benefit, so
encourage him or her to allow the
Utility Interconnection
Standards, Agreements,
Sign-Offs, Warranties
There is a national movement to adopt
recognized guidelines for PV system utility interconnection. Two organizations
are leading utility interconnection standards for the PV industry—the Institute of
Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and Underwriters Laboratories (UL).
The interior of this residential service entrance shows the
two-pole PV breaker at the bottom, which will feed AC power
into the SES. The breaker feeds the SES from the opposite end
away from the main breaker. Note that the connection is made
after the main breaker has been turned off so the breaker can
be properly and safely installed and the conductors attached
and properly torqued and then tested. The SES connection can
be made with breakers or fuses depending upon configuration.
Compare the residential breaker slot to the one below in this
commercial service entrance. The size and voltages may be
different but the attachment and handling require the same
care, safety, and attention to detail.
Courtesy of PerfectPower, Inc.
Courtesy of PerfectPower, Inc.
CHAPTER 9 The Evolving PV System: From Concept to Certification 219
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