Chapter 3 Summary
The steps of PV system installation have been discussed throughout this chapter. PV
installation and material recommendations are crucial to properly installing PV system com-
ponents. The phases of installation help mark key processes in building a PV system that per-
forms as designed. The signoffs are essential. Make sure that the PV system is installed
properly and up to code. The PV System Plan Checklist breaks down the various PV compo-
nents. This easy tool shows how the various phases of installation work together to create a
high functioning PV system.
Key ConCeptS and termS
Disconnect switch
Chapter 3 aSSeSSment
Installation: Creating the Best PV System
1. PV systems are designed with the idea that the modules will last at least 20 years.
A. True
B. False
2. Large wires are good for battery connections because they:
A. keep all battery flows as uniform as possible.
B. provide a battery short-circuit current path.
C. permit load or array size surge capacity.
D. secure batteries for weather anomalies.
3. What is the purpose of an inverter?
A. It changes one DC voltage to a comparable AC voltage.
B. It moves one AC voltage to a similar DC voltage.
C. It exchanges DC at one voltage to another.
D. It converts AC currents to DC currents.
4. When a grid-tied PV system hums after closing the connection to the utility, it is
doing what?
A. Connecting to the utility side motor load
B. Overcharging
C. Working
D. Shutting down
5. What is the first step in system checkout?
A. Examine the open-circuit voltage.
B. Inspect the whole PV system.
C. Put in fuses.
D. Terminate the disconnects.
6. Who is the authority having jurisdiction (AHJ)?
A. The inspector responsible for signing off on PV system permits and installation
B. The customer who owns the building where the PV system will be installed
C. The town where the PV system installation will take place
D. The installer of the PV system
7. The wiring for a PV system must have a wet rating of _______ degrees Celsius.
A. 40
B. 60
C. 90
D. 75
8. When must PV system signoffs occur?
A. Before installation begins
B. Never
C. At the installer’s convenience
D. At the beginning and at the end of PV system installation
9. The PV system must be reviewed every:
A. spring and summer.
B. summer and winter.
C. spring and fall.
D. summer and fall.
10. What percent of PV installations have serious problems?
A. 10–20 percent
B. 70–85 percent
C. 30–50 percent
D. 60–70 percent
CHAPTER 3 Installation: Creating the Best PV System 63
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