7.6 Pattern Exploration and Application

For discovered frequent patterns, is there any way the mining process can return additional information that will help us to better understand the patterns? What kinds of applications exist for frequent pattern mining? These topics are discussed in this section. Section 7.6.1 looks at the automated generation of semantic annotations for frequent patterns. These are dictionary-like annotations. They provide semantic information relating to patterns, based on the context and usage of the patterns, which aids in their understanding. Semantically similar patterns also form part of the annotation, providing a more direct connection between discovered patterns and any other patterns already known to the users.

Section 7.6.2 presents an overview of applications of frequent pattern mining. While the applications discussed in Chapter 6 and this chapter mainly involve market basket analysis and correlation analysis, there are many other areas in which frequent pattern mining is useful. These range from data preprocessing and classification to clustering and the analysis of complex data.

7.6.1 Semantic Annotation of Frequent Patterns

Pattern mining typically generates a huge set of frequent patterns without providing enough information to interpret the meaning of the patterns. In the previous section, we introduced pattern processing techniques to shrink the size of the output set of frequent patterns such as by extracting redundancy-aware top-k patterns or compressing the pattern set. These, however, do not provide any semantic interpretation of the patterns. It would be helpful if we could also generate semantic annotations for the frequent patterns found, which would help us to better understand the patterns.

What is an appropriate semantic annotation for a frequent pattern?” Think about what we find when we look up the meaning of terms in a dictionary. Suppose we are looking up the term pattern. A dictionary typically contains the following components to explain the term:

1. A set of definitions, such as “a decorative design, as for wallpaper, china, or textile fabrics, etc.; a natural or chance configuration”

2. Example sentences, such as “patterns of frost on the window; the behavior patterns of teenagers, …”

3. Synonyms from a thesaurus, such as “model, archetype, design, exemplar, motif, ….”

Analogically, what if we could extract similar types of semantic information and provide such structured annotations for frequent patterns? This would greatly help users in interpreting the meaning of patterns and in deciding on how or whether to further explore them. Unfortunately, it is infeasible to provide such precise semantic definitions for patterns without expertise in the domain. Nevertheless, we can explore how to approximate such a process for frequent pattern mining.

In general, the hidden meaning of a pattern can be inferred from patterns with similar meanings, data objects co-occurring with it, and transactions in which the pattern appears. Annotations with such information are analogous to dictionary entries, which can be regarded as annotating each term with structured semantic information. Let’s examine an example.

Example 7.15

Semantic annotation of a frequent pattern

Figure 7.12 shows an example of a semantic annotation for the pattern “{frequent, pattern}.” This dictionary-like annotation provides semantic information related to “{frequent, pattern},” consisting of its strongest context indicators, the most representative data transactions, and the most semantically similar patterns. This kind of semantic annotation is similar to natural language processing. The semantics of a word can be inferred from its context, and words sharing similar contexts tend to be semantically similar. The context indicators and the representative transactions provide a view of the context of the pattern from different angles to help users understand the pattern. The semantically similar patterns provide a more direct connection between the pattern and any other patterns already known to the users.


Figure 7.12 Semantic annotation of the pattern “{frequent, patterng}.”

How can we perform automated semantic annotation for a frequent pattern?” The key to high-quality semantic annotation of a frequent pattern is the successful context modeling of the pattern. For context modeling of a pattern, p, consider the following.

■ A context unit is a basic object in a database, D, that carries semantic information and co-occurs with at least one frequent pattern, p, in at least one transaction in D. A context unit can be an item, a pattern, or even a transaction, depending on the specific task and data.

■ The context of a pattern, p, is a selected set of weighted context units (referred to as context indicators) in the database. It carries semantic information, and co-occurs with a frequent pattern, p. The context of p can be modeled using a vector space model, that is, the context of p can be represented as image, where w(ui) is a weight function of term ui. A transaction t is represented as a vector image, where vi = 1 if and only if vit, otherwise vi = 0.

Based on these concepts, we can define the basic task of semantic pattern annotation as follows:

1. Select context units and design a strength weight for each unit to model the contexts of frequent patterns.

2. Design similarity measures for the contexts of two patterns, and for a transaction and a pattern context.

3. For a given frequent pattern, extract the most significant context indicators, representative transactions, and semantically similar patterns to construct a structured annotation.

Which context units should we select as context indicators?” Although a context unit can be an item, a transaction, or a pattern, typically, frequent patterns provide the most semantic information of the three. There are usually a large number of frequent patterns associated with a pattern, p. Therefore, we need a systematic way to select only the important and nonredundant frequent patterns from a large pattern set.

Considering that the closed patterns set is a lossless compression of frequent pattern sets, we can first derive the closed patterns set by applying efficient closed pattern mining methods. However, as discussed in Section 7.5, a closed pattern set is not compact enough, and pattern compression needs to be performed. We could use the pattern compression methods introduced in Section 7.5.1 or explore alternative compression methods such as microclustering using the Jaccard coefficient (Chapter 2) and then selecting the most representative patterns from each cluster.

How, then, can we assign weights for each context indicator?” A good weighting function should obey the following properties: (1) the best semantic indicator of a pattern, p, is itself, (2) assign the same score to two patterns if they are equally strong, and (3) if two patterns are independent, neither can indicate the meaning of the other. The meaning of a pattern, p, can be inferred from either the appearance or absence of indicators.

Mutual information is one of several possible weighting functions. It is widely used in information theory to measure the mutual independency of two random variables. Intuitively, it measures how much information a random variable tells about the other. Given two frequent patterns, pα and pβ, let X = {0, 1} and Y = {0, 1} be two random variables representing the appearance of pα and pβ, respectively. Mutual information I(X; Y) is computed as

image (7.18)

where image, image, image, and image. Standard Laplace smoothing can be used to avoid zero probability.

Mutual information favors strongly correlated units and thus can be used to model the indicative strength of the context units selected. With context modeling, pattern annotation can be accomplished as follows:

1. To extract the most significant context indicators, we can use cosine similarity (Chapter 2) to measure the semantic similarity between pairs of context vectors, rank the context indicators by the weight strength, and extract the strongest ones.

2. To extract representative transactions, represent each transaction as a context vector. Rank the transactions with semantic similarity to the pattern p.

3. To extract semantically similar patterns, rank each frequent pattern, p, by the semantic similarity between their context models and the context of p.

Based on these principles, experiments have been conducted on large data sets to generate semantic annotations. Example 7.16 illustrates one such experiment.

Example 7.16

Semantic annotations generated for frequent patterns from the DBLP Computer Science Bibliography

Table 7.4 shows annotations generated for frequent patterns from a portion of the DBLP data set.3 The DBLP data set contains papers from the proceedings of 12 major conferences in the fields of database systems, information retrieval, and data mining. Each transaction consists of two parts: the authors and the title of the corresponding paper.

Table 7.4

Annotations Generated for Frequent Patterns in the DBLP Data Set


Consider two types of patterns: (1) frequent author or coauthorship, each of which is a frequent itemset of authors, and (2) frequent title terms, each of which is a frequent sequential pattern of the title words. The method can automatically generate dictionary-like annotations for different kinds of frequent patterns. For frequent itemsets like coauthorship or single authors, the strongest context indicators are usually the other coauthors and discriminative title terms that appear in their work. The semantically similar patterns extracted also reflect the authors and terms related to their work. However, these similar patterns may not even co-occur with the given pattern in a paper. For example, the patterns “timos_k_selli,” “ramakrishnan_srikant,” and so on, do not co-occur with the pattern “christos_faloutsos,” but are extracted because their contexts are similar since they all are database and/or data mining researchers; thus the annotation is meaningful.

For the title term “information retrieval,” which is a sequential pattern, its strongest context indicators are usually the authors who tend to use the term in the titles of their papers, or the terms that tend to coappear with it. Its semantically similar patterns usually provide interesting concepts or descriptive terms, which are close in meaning (e.g., “information retrievalinformation filter).”

In both scenarios, the representative transactions extracted give us the titles of papers that effectively capture the meaning of the given patterns. The experiment demonstrates the effectiveness of semantic pattern annotation to generate a dictionary-like annotation for frequent patterns, which can help a user understand the meaning of annotated patterns.


The context modeling and semantic analysis method presented here is general and can deal with any type of frequent patterns with context information. Such semantic annotations can have many other applications such as ranking patterns, categorizing and clustering patterns with semantics, and summarizing databases. Applications of the pattern context model and semantical analysis method are also not limited to pattern annotation; other example applications include pattern compression, transaction clustering, pattern relations discovery, and pattern synonym discovery.

7.6.2 Applications of Pattern Mining

We have studied many aspects of frequent pattern mining, with topics ranging from efficient mining algorithms and the diversity of patterns to pattern interestingness, pattern compression/approximation, and semantic pattern annotation. Let’s take a moment to consider why this field has generated so much attention. What are some of the application areas in which frequent pattern mining is useful? This section presents an overview of applications for frequent pattern mining. We have touched on several application areas already, such as market basket analysis and correlation analysis, yet frequent pattern mining can be applied to many other areas as well. These range from data preprocessing and classification to clustering and the analysis of complex data.

To summarize, frequent pattern mining is a data mining task that discovers patterns that occur frequently together and/or have some distinctive properties that distinguish them from others, often disclosing something inherent and valuable. The patterns may be itemsets, subsequences, substructures, or values. The task also includes the discovery of rare patterns, revealing items that occur very rarely together yet are of interest. Uncovering frequent patterns and rare patterns leads to many broad and interesting applications, described as follows.

Pattern mining is widely used for noise filtering and data cleaning as preprocessing in many data-intensive applications. We can use it to analyze microarray data, for instance, which typically consists of tens of thousands of dimensions (e.g., representing genes). Such data can be rather noisy. Frequent pattern data mining can help us distinguish between what is noise and what isn’t. We may assume that items that occur frequently together are less likely to be random noise and should not be filtered out. On the other hand, those that occur very frequently (similar to stopwords in text documents) are likely indistinctive and may be filtered out. Frequent pattern mining can help in background information identification and noise reduction.

Pattern mining often helps in the discovery of inherent structures and clusters hidden in the data. Given the DBLP data set, for instance, frequent pattern mining can easily find interesting clusters like coauthor clusters (by examining authors who frequently collaborate) and conference clusters (by examining the sharing of many common authors and terms). Such structure or cluster discovery can be used as preprocessing for more sophisticated data mining.

Although there are numerous classification methods (Chapters 8 and 9), research has found that frequent patterns can be used as building blocks in the construction of high-quality classification models, hence called pattern-based classification. The approach is successful because (1) the appearance of very infrequent item(s) or itemset(s) can be caused by random noise and may not be reliable for model construction, yet a relatively frequent pattern often carries more information gain for constructing more reliable models; (2) patterns in general (i.e., itemsets consisting of multiple attributes) usually carry more information gain than a single attribute (feature); and (3) the patterns so generated are often intuitively understandable and easy to explain. Recent research has reported several methods that mine interesting, frequent, and discriminative patterns and use them for effective classification. Pattern-based classification methods are introduced in Chapter 9.

Frequent patterns can also be used effectively for subspace clustering in high-dimensional space. Clustering is challenging in high-dimensional space, where the distance between two objects is often difficult to measure. This is because such a distance is dominated by the different sets of dimensions in which the objects are residing. Thus, instead of clustering objects in their full high-dimensional spaces, it can be more meaningful to find clusters in certain subspaces. Recently, researchers have developed subspace-based pattern growth methods that cluster objects based on their common frequent patterns. They have shown that such methods are effective for clustering microarray-based gene expression data. Subspace clustering methods are discussed in Chapter 11.

Pattern analysis is useful in the analysis of spatiotemporal data, time-series data, image data, video data, and multimedia data. An area of spatiotemporal data analysis is the discovery of colocation patterns. These, for example, can help determine if a certain disease is geographically colocated with certain objects like a well, a hospital, or a river. In time-series data analysis, researchers have discretized time-series values into multiple intervals (or levels) so that tiny fluctuations and value differences can be ignored. The data can then be summarized into sequential patterns, which can be indexed to facilitate similarity search or comparative analysis. In image analysis and pattern recognition, researchers have also identified frequently occurring visual fragments as “visual words,” which can be used for effective clustering, classification, and comparative analysis.

Pattern mining has also been used for the analysis of sequence or structural data such as trees, graphs, subsequences, and networks. In software engineering, researchers have identified consecutive or gapped subsequences in program execution as sequential patterns that help identify software bugs. Copy-and-paste bugs in large software programs can be identified by extended sequential pattern analysis of source programs. Plagiarized software programs can be identified based on their essentially identical program flow/loop structures. Authors' commonly used sentence substructures can be identified and used to distinguish articles written by different authors.

Frequent and discriminative patterns can be used as primitive indexing structures (known as graph indices) to help search large, complex, structured data sets and networks. These support a similarity search in graph-structured data such as chemical compound databases or XML-structured databases. Such patterns can also be used for data compression and summarization.

Furthermore, frequent patterns have been used in recommender systems, where people can find correlations, clusters of customer behaviors, and classification models based on commonly occurring or discriminative patterns (Chapter 13).

Finally, studies on efficient computation methods in pattern mining mutually enhance many other studies on scalable computation. For example, the computation and materialization of iceberg cubes using the BUC and Star-Cubing algorithms (Chapter 5) respectively share many similarities to computing frequent patterns by the Apriori and FP-growth algorithms (Chapter 6).

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