3.5 Real Data-Based ROC Analysis

In real applications only a limited number of samples are available for data analysis, referred to as the power of the test. In this case, the data sample pool is generally not sufficiently large to constitute reliable statistics that can be used to characterize the LRT Λ(r) implemented by a detector. Under such a circumstance there is no effective means of producing Λ(r) and the ROC analysis must be carried out with data samples rather than statistics, p0(r) and p1(r).

3.5.1 How to Generate ROC Curves from Real Data

In what follows, we define

N = total number of data samples used for a particular detection method (technique)

Nsignal = total number of data samples with presence of a signal (according to ground truth)

Nno-signal = total number of data samples with absence of a signal (according to ground truth)

ND = total number of data samples with presence of a signal which is actually detected by the method

NF = total number of data samples with absence of a signal, but claimed to have an signal detected by the method

NM = total number of data samples with presence of a signal which is not detected by the method

NTN = total number of data samples with presence of a signal and also claimed to have no signal detected by the method.

False alarm or false positive rate/probability is defined by

(3.10) equation

False negative or miss rate/probability:

(3.11) equation

Detection power/true-positive rate/probability:

(3.12) equation

True-negative rate/probability:

(3.13) equation

Based on (3.10)(3.13), the following relationships are true:


(3.14) equation

(3.15) equation


(3.16) equation

3.5.2 How to Generate Gaussian-Fitted ROC Curves

Until now Equations (3.10)(3.13), (3.14)(3.16) are defined based on real samples. So, for a given set of sample pool used for testing any detection technique, only one point (PD, PF) can be generated for the ROC curve of a particular technique. Therefore, in order to produce a complete ROC curve for any specific detection technique (method), an infinite number of samples pool are required, which is practically impossible. One way to mitigate this difficulty is to assume that the noise in the binary hypothesis decision problem described by (3.1) is a zero-mean Gaussian distribution and the given sample pool is sufficiently large to generate reliable statistics. In this case, we can calculate the sample mean and variance for each hypothesis, and then assume these calculated sample means and variances to be the Gaussian means and variances under each hypothesis. With these new Gaussian distributions, finding the ROC curve of a specific detection technique (method) becomes feasible and can be actually derived mathematically from a standard signal detection theory as follows.

Now if we further assume that the probability density functions p0(y) and p1(y) in (3.1) that govern H0 and H1 are Gaussian distributions with means μ0 and μ1 and variances img and img calculated from a large pool of samples, respectively, the Λ(r) in (3.5) becomes img. As a result, (3.6) and (3.7) can be further simplified to

(3.17) equation

(3.18) equation

where img and img are two Gaussian distributions with means μ0 and μ1 and variances img and img, respectively. Furthermore, if both of the variances img and img are set to 1, (3.25) and (3.26) simplify to most familiar forms:

(3.19) equation

(3.20) equation

Using Figure 3.3 as an example, a decision can be made by adjusting threshold τ via (3.19) and (3.20) where the regions corresponding to PD, PF, PM, and PTN are indicated with different shaded areas. For example, PD is the area to the right of the threshold τ under the Gaussian distribution p1(y) when H1 is true and PF is the area to the right of the threshold τ under the Gaussian distribution p0(y) when H0 is true. On the contrary, PM is the area to the left of the threshold τ under the Gaussian distribution p1(y) when H1 is true and PTN is the area to the left of the threshold τ under the Gaussian distribution p0(y) when H0 is true. It should be noted that the threshold τ is determined by the false alarm rate. If the false alarm rate is upper bounded by β in (3.4) with Gaussian distributions, using (3.17) we can calculate the corresponding τ by the following:

(3.21) equation

where Φ(x) is a standard Gaussian distribution given by

(3.22) equation

Therefore, the best decision to find an optimal threshold τ for (3.18) is (3.21) which is determined only by β. We now substitute τ given by (3.21) for τ in (3.18) and obtain the best detection power given by

(3.23) equation

Using (3.21) and (3.23) we can plot a Gaussian-fitted ROC curve of PD versus PF = β for real data.

3.5.3 How to Generate 3D ROC Curves

A major disadvantage resulting from the use of the traditional ROC curve is that both the detector statistics, Λ(r), implemented by the Neyman–Pearson detector δNP(r) and the threshold τ are independent parameters and are not specified in the ROC curve of (PD, PF) where PD and PF are actually dependent on Λ(r) and τ. Since the value of Λ(r) obtained from a data sample r is generally real valued and represents the detected signal strength present in r, that is, concentration level of a signal in r, a soft decision must be made directly on Λ(r) by varying the threshold τ instead of using the parameter β imposed on PF. In doing so, we introduce a normalized detected signal strength of Λ(r) as

(3.24) equation

Using τ as a detection threshold value between 0 and 1 for (3.24) we can further define a normalized Neyman–Pearson detector, denoted by img based on img as follows:

(3.25) equation

which uses τ as a threshold value to convert the normalized real value of img to a binary value. Accordingly, a “1” produced by (3.25) indicates that a target is detected; otherwise, there is no target present. By varying img in (3.25), a family of detectors img are generated for target detection, where for each τ the detector img produces its pair of detection rate and a false alarm rate, (PD, PF). Therefore, if a third dimension is created to specify the threshold τ that is used to define a detector img via (3.35), a 3D ROC curve can be generated and plotted based on three parameters, PD, PF and τ. With such a 3D ROC curve, three 2D ROC curves can also be generated, the 2D ROC curve of (PD, PF) which is the traditional ROC curve in Figure 3.1, a 2D ROC curve of (PD,τ) and a 2D ROC curve of (PF,τ). To generate a 3D ROC curve for real data, three steps are performed:

1. The data samples will be first classified into two categories, falsely alarmed sample pool ΩFA and correctly detected sample pool ΩD. The samples in ΩFA are those samples which are detected as signal samples but actually contain no signals according to the ground truth. The detected sample pool ΩD are those samples that are correctly detected by the normalized NP detector img according to the ground truth. The sample set Ωsignal denotes the set of samples which actually have signal strength/concentration present in the r according to the ground truth.
2. Let Ω denote the total sample pool used for evaluation and ΩS be the set of samples with signal presence, that is, samples with correctly detected and falsely missed signal samples (see (3.14)), and ΩNS be the set of samples with signal absence, that is, samples with no signal detected and falsely detected signal samples (see (3.15)). In addition, let ΩSD be the set of samples with detected signal strength/concentration greater than zero and ΩNSD be the set of samples with no signal detected, that is, signal with zero strength/concentration. Then img with img and img. The threshold τ in (3.21) is used to generate probabilities of falsely alarmed sample pool ΩFA and signal detected sample pool ΩSD.
3. For each threshold τ calculated in step 2, a pair of probabilities PF and PD are defined as follows, where N(A) denotes the number of samples in a sample pool A:

(3.26) equation

(3.27) equation

(3.28) equation

where img, img, img and img with img, img, img and img. (See the definitions given in Section 3.5.1 and img= number of samples in X.)

Figure 3.6 shows a diagram of relationships among ΩS, ΩSD, ΩM, ΩFA, ΩNS, and ΩNSD.

Figure 3.6 A diagram of relationships among ΩS, ΩSD, ΩM, ΩF, ΩNS, and ΩNSD.


In analogy with Section 3.5.2, we can also generate Gaussian fitted 3D ROC curves by the following steps:

1. Calculate sample means and variances for ΩS and ΩNS, denoted by μS, img, and μNS, img, respectively.
2. Find the Gaussian probability distributions under hypotheses H0 and H1, that is, img for H0 and img for H1.
3. Calculate the pair of probabilities PF and PD according to the following formulas:

(3.29) equation

(3.30) equation

It should be noted that the means and variances in (3.29) and (3.30) can be calculated from a given sample pool. For example, using the notations, Nno-signal and N defined in Section 3.5.1, we can calculate the μ0, μ1, img and img for (3.29) and (3.30) as follows:

(3.31) equation

(3.32) equation

(3.33) equation

(3.34) equation

where f(yi) is the value of the ith sample yi.

3.5.4 How to Generate 3D ROC Curves for Multiple Signal Detection and Classification

The hypothesis testing problem (3.1) considered so far assumes the standard signal detection in noise (SN) model where hypotheses H0 and H1 represent noise and signal + noise, respectively. There have been studies on extending (3.1) to two scenarios. One is called the signal/background/noise model proposed in Thai and Healey (2002) which includes background B as a third signal source described by

(3.35) equation

A second scenario is called the signal-decomposed interference/noise (SDIN) model suggested in Du and Chang (2004b) and is given by

(3.36) equation

where the signal source S considered in the SBN model (3.35) is further decomposed into the desired signal source D and the undesired signal source U and the background B considered in the SBN model is included in the interference signal source matrix I.

Using the SDIN model specified by (3.36), we can interpret various commonly used models as follows. When img and D = S, the SDIN model is reduced to the standard SN model. If D = S and I = B with img, then the SDIN model becomes the SBN model. The SDIN allows us to deal with multisignal detection and classification by interpret img and signal sources as a signal source matrix img comprising multiple signal sources with D = d representing the target signal source of interest to be detected and U being other target signal sources with no interest to d.

In order to extend a single target signal detection-based ROC analysis to a multiple-signal detection model specified by (3.36), we assume that there are p signal sources of interest, img. Then the detection rate RD(mj) and false alarm rate RF(mj) for the jth signal source mj defined by

(3.37) equation

(3.38) equation

where ND(mj) is the total number of true pixels which are mj and detected as mj, NF(mj) is the total number of true pixels which are not mj but detected as mj, N(mj) is the total number of pixels that are specified by target signature mj and N is the total number of pixels in the image. For detection of multiple signal sources, the detection rate/power PD and false alarm rate PF are then replaced by the mean detection rate img and mean false alarm rate img, respectively, which can be defined by taking the mean of RD(mj) and the mean of RF(mj) over all the pimg as

(3.39) equation

(3.40) equation

where img, N(mj) is the total number of pixels, which are, mj and img is the total number of all target pixels given by imgimg.

It notes that through img specified by (3.25) along with (3.39) and (3.40) each of multiple signals, img will be detected and classified jointly by a fixed and same threshold τ for all the p signal sources img to produce a point in a 2D space given by img. This is different from the single signal detection of mj which uses its own and separate individual threshold τi in (3.25) to produce its own pair (PD, PF). However, such a subtle and crucial difference cannot be seen from the traditional 2D ROC curve of (PD, PF) since the threshold τ is hidden in PD and PF and the curve cannot show its influence on both PD and PF.

By decreasing τ from 1 to 0 in a third dimension, it results in a 3D mean-ROC curve, which can be used to evaluate the performance of a detector where the (x,y) coordinate is specified by (img,τ) and the z-axis is specified by img. Using this 3D mean-ROC curve we can further plot three 2D curves, a curve of img versus img which is the traditional ROC curve, a curve of img versus τ and a curve of img versus τ for detection performance analysis. Once the 2D ROC curve of (img,img) is generated, the area under the curve is calculated and defined as detection rate, which can be used to evaluate the effectiveness of a detector. The higher the detection rate the better the detector.

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