Build End-to-End Retail Scenario - Developing Application and Deploying on Device

In this chapter, we will continue our journey toward building the holographic application for the retail solution, and we will start from where we left in the previous chapter. In the previous chapter, we begin by envisioning this retail solution; we discussed different types of scenarios that could fit in a Mixed Reality Holographic Model, identified few of the scenarios to be developed, finalized the scenario, and did scenario sketching. In the envisioning phase, we discussed requirements and scenario identification for the application, and talked about several scenarios, such as downloading different products on demand, placing them in a home, visualizing them, and finally placing an order for the selected product. As a part of the scenario prioritization phase, we listed the scenarios to be taken towards development phase. We took a step further towards sketching to visualize and revalidate the identified scenarios, which illustrate a kind of vision demonstration of the solution.

Now, we will take a step forward towards the development of the application with some of the identified scenarios. This chapter will cover all the steps, starting from making reusable 3D Assets, setting up of the backend solutions with Azure, building up the services, developing the holographic project with Unity3D and finally connecting it with Azure Services till deploying it onto the device. A brief overview of the different aspects of this chapter are as follows:

  • Preparing 3D Assets for dynamic loading
  • Building backend Azure Solutions
  • Building a holographic application
  • Connecting a holographic app with Azure
  • Downloading assets and rendering them as holograms on the fly
  • Configuring, building, and testing connected a holographic app
  • Extending the application

By end of this chapter, you will cover the complete end-to-end development process that required building connected solution for a retail holographic application.

After completing this solution development, you will learn how to download and render your hologram as and when needed, perform a bidirectional communication with a holographic app and backend services. With this knowledge, you can build an application that is lightweight, dynamic in nature, and scalable in different aspects of several enterprise customer scenarios.
This project required several assets, including 3D Models for product, main menu, toolbar controls, and so on. Before you proceed further toward development, you must download all the project related assets from
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