Setting up media services for live streaming

The first step to implement the solution is to set up a live streaming channel and, for that, follow the given steps:

  1. Create a new Azure Media Services account within your Azure Subscription.
Create new Azure Media Service Account
  1. After the new Media Service account is created, select the Live Streaming option and create a new channel for live streaming.
Create new live streaming channel
  1. Select the newly created live streaming channel and start the Live Event within it.
Start the live streaming channel
  1. From the preceding step, note down the following URLs:
    • Ingest URL: This is to be used by the video ingestion application
    • Streaming URL: This is to be consumed by the live viewer, that is, the holographic application in our case

There are many video streaming applications available; one of them is Wirecast, which you can download, configure the Streaming Channel Ingest URL within, and start live video ingestion to the media services channel. Use the following URL:

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