Creating the Azure Blob Storage

Log in to your Azure Subscription, and create an Azure Storage using Create Storage Account and by selecting all necessary parameters, like name, resource group, and so on. There are a total of five types of Azure storage - Blobs, Files, Disks, Table and Queues. In our case, we will be using Blob Storage. Blob Storage is used for store documents, pictures, videos, and other unstructured large text content or binary data.

Once the storage account is created, follow these steps:

  1. Select the Blobs storage services option.
  2. Select the add Container options.


  1. Provide the container Name and set Access type to Blob and click on OK. This will create the Blob Container.
Create new Blob container
  1. Once Blob container is created, navigate to the container and upload all the assets bundles that we have created in the Asset Bundle Generation section.
Upload Assets Bundles to Blob Storage
  1. Select each of the uploaded item in the list, and from the properties window get the URL of the blob storage. We will use this as product reference in the Azure Cosmos DB--SQL (DocumentDB).
Referring the Blob storage URL

With that, we are done with configuring the Blob Storage and uploading our assets. In the next step, we will create the Azure Cosmos DB.

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