Explore HoloLens as Hologram - Scenario Identification and Sketching

In the previous chapter, you learned about HoloLens and holographic apps and about the different components that build up the HoloLens device and how they work together. You also learned about the concept of holograms, their interaction with the real world, the application development process, application models and interaction models required for developing holographic application, and lastly, about the types of applications and possibilities with the HoloLens device. Let's start applying our learning from the previous chapter by developing our first holographic application and deploying it on HoloLens. Rather than jumping directly to development and coding, let's go through the complete journey of holographic application development. This journey starts from identifying a new scenario or application requirements, detailing out that scenario through a sketch and plan phase, creating 3D Assets, developing a scene, applying scripts, and finally, deploying it on the device and testing it out. This journey of holographic application development is divided into two chapters, this current one and the next one. In this chapter, you will learn about the following:

  • Envisioning
  • Scenario prioritization
  • Sketching
  • Asset design and development
  • Things to consider while 3D using the Asset Pipeline
  • Setting up a development environment
  • Using HoloLens emulator

In the following chapter, you will continue this same scenario and do the development and deployment on the HoloLens device.

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