Sketching - interaction with speakers

While viewing the hologram, a user can gaze at different interactive components. One such component, identified earlier, is the speaker. At the time of gazing at the speaker, it should be highlighted and the user can then Air Tap at it. The Air Tap action should expand the speaker hologram and the user should be able to view the speaker component in detail.

Sketch for expanded speakers

After the speakers are expanded, the user should be able to visualize the speaker components in detail. Now, if the user Air Taps on the expanded speakers, the application should do the following:

  • Open the textual detail component about the speakers; the user can read the content and learn about the speakers in detail
  • Start voice narration, detailing speaker details
  • The user can also Air Tap on the expanded speaker component, and this action should close the expanded speaker
Textual and voice narration for speaker details

As you did sketching for the speakers, apply a similar approach and do sketching for other components, such as lenses, buttons, and so on.

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