
This chapter explored the end-to-end development aspect of a holographic application. To build a holographic app, it is essential to understand the basics of Unity editor and different interaction models for a holographic app. In this chapter, we started the project by creating an empty Unity project and delved into different interactions by adding several scripts. We learned about HoloToolkit, and understand how easy it is to use for building a holographic application. This chapter also covered the various aspects of Gaze, Gesture, Voice Command, along with speech to text. The end of the chapter talked about different aspects of deployment of holographic apps in emulator, as well as in HoloLens Device. Then, we also discussed the different aspects of covering the testing scenarios of HoloLens. Overall, Chapter 3, Explore HoloLens as Hologram - Scenario Identification and Sketching and Chapter 4, Explore HoloLens as Hologram - Developing Application and Deploying on Device together, complete our trip of building our first project. Starting from envisioning, to deploying an app on to a device. This will give you a good start to building any standard holographic application. We will take this learning further and in the next chapter we will build a more complex series of applications using HoloLens.

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