Planning and Design

As the part of Planning and Design activity, you will detail out storyboard with all the information about navigation flows, scene actors, and objects; required animations; and the size and positions of objects. This can be achieved through a series of design meetings among the artist, designer, and developers. The following is a set of activities, which is generally followed:

  1. Identify each scene and break it down into required objects, user, information/text, audio, and animations.
  2. Object sizing and positioning; identify the size and position of primary and secondary objects within the scene.
  3. State of objects; define the state of objects when they are gazed, un-gazed (normal state), and Air Tapped. This is basically defining the transformation of objects based on user actions.
  4. Actions/Gestures define interactivity within the scene, using gaze, gestures, and Air Taps. Using these actions/gestures, you will basically define the flow in the story.
  5. UI/UX defines the size, color, and font for every object/text within the scene.
  6. Narration defines speech or audio interaction within the scene and also commands or narrations to be used within the scene.
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