Search data from HealthVault

This is a sample code snippet to connect with HealthVault using its SDK and make a search query for a patient's weight history:

HealthRecordSearcher recordSearcher = PersonInfo.SelectedRecord.CreateSearcher();
HealthRecordFilter weightFilter = new HealthRecordFilter(Weight.TypeId);
HealthRecordItemCollection weightItems = recordSearcher.GetMatchingItems()[0];

//weightItems is a collection of the patient's weight historical data.
Further on, you can parse collection like following, to pull time
based weight data for usage.
for each (Weight weightItem in weightItems)
//weightItem.When - will give you the date
//weightItem.Value - will give you the patient's weight at the
specific date

Similarly, you can pull other health data using HealthValue APIs and share or reuse it within a holographic application.

You can refer to HealthVault documentation at for more details.

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