Build, run, and test the initial setup

When our basic setup for the project is done, we can just build and run the application to test if everything is working fine. In the previous chapter, we already talked about setting up the development environment and tested the emulator with a simple holographic application. Here, we have already set project settings in the Apply Project Settings section of this chapter. To cross verify it, from the main menu select File|Build Settings and verify all the build settings or update the values as below:

  • Platform| Windows Store
  • SDK | Universal 10
  • Target Device| HoloLens
  • UWP Build Type | D3D
  • Build and Run on | Local Machine
  1. For local development reference, you can also check the Unity C# Projects and Development Build checkbox.
  2. Click on Add Open Scene button and select the checkbox associated with the Main scene from the Scenes in Build section.
  3. Finally, from the Build Settings window, select the Player Settings|Others Settings | and select the check box for Virtual Reality Supported.
  4. Now, in the Build Settings window, click Build.
    1. Create a New Folder named ExploreHoloLensApp.
    2. Single-click the ExploreHoloLensApp folder.
    3. Press Select Folder.

From here, Unity will take it forward and perform the project builds and will create the solution for Visual Studio. Remember, all the holographic app is when Unity is done, a File Explorer window will appear.

  1. Navigate to the ExploreHoloLensApp folder and open the Visual Studio Solution (the ExploreHoloLensAppExploreHoloLens.sln file) created by Unity.
  2. In Visual Studio, change the build target from Debug to Release and the platform target from ARM to X86.
  3. Select HoloLens Emulator from the list of run options.
  4. From the main menu, click Debug | Start Without debugging or just press Ctrl + F5.

Wait till the HoloLens emulator starts and your application launches. Once the app is launched, you should be able to see the 3D Model of your hologram, as shown in the following image:

HoloLens hologram within emulator
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