Edge loop

After the base cube is added, the next step is to split the cube faces by adding an edge loop:

  1. Go to the menu option Mesh Tools|Insert Edge Loop.
Insert Edge Loop option
  1. After inserting the edge loop into the cube, it will look like the following:
Edge loop in to the cube
  1. The next step is to select one side of the face and delete it. For that, select the object in the scene | right-click | short menu options open | select Face. This will change the object to component mode.
Change to Face mode
  1. Now, select one of the faces and press the delete button to delete it.
Faces selection
  1. After deleting one of the faces, go to face mode by selecting the object in the scene | right-click | short menu options open | select Face and select the left side of the face.
Face selection of the left face of the object
  1. The next step is to extrude the face to start building the model. For this, hold Shift key | right-click on mouse | select Extrude Face.
Extrude face option
  1. Now, change the Local Translate Z option on the properties to 1, and that will create an extruded view.
Extruded and translated face view
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