Remote Monitoring of Smart Building(s) Using HoloLens - Developing Application and Deploying on Device

In the previous chapter, we began our journey by building a holographic application that leverages the Internet of Things (IoT) scenario. In this chapter, we will continue with the application development of the Remote Monitoring of Smart Building(s) that we identified throughout several exercises in the previous chapter. In the envisioning phase, we discussed the requirements and scenarios surrounding the identification for remotely monitoring a building, and talked about several scenarios such as temperature, fire, smoke detector, and monitoring the safety status of buildings or floors. As a part of the scenario's prioritization phase, we listed the scenarios that are to be taken forward for the development phase. We took a step further toward sketching to visualize and revalidate the identified scenarios, which illustrate a kind of vision demonstration of the app. We have also discussed the 3D holographic model of the Smart Building and its structure. Now that we have our clear development requirements, finalized scenarios, and 3D Assets ready to be used, we are all set to take the next step forward.

This chapter will cover all the steps from the setting up of the backend infrastructure, setting up your IoT environment, developing a holographic project, and connecting it with Azure Services till deploying it onto a device. A brief overview of the different aspects of this chapter are as follows:

  • Setting up the backend infrastructure
  • Building up the Azure IoT solutions
  • Building a holographic application
  • Connecting a holographic app with Azure
  • Configuring, building, and testing a connected holographic app
  • Extending the application

By the end of this chapter, you will have covered the complete end-to-end development process that requires building connected scenarios for a holographic application using several Azure IoT Services.

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