backgrounds, Backgrounds, Backgrounds, Moving slides aroundEditing and formatting text, Changing backgrounds, Changing backgrounds, Editing and formatting text
slide, Moving slides aroundEditing and formatting text, Changing backgrounds, Changing backgrounds, Editing and formatting text
Web page, Backgrounds, Backgrounds
backing up in Word, Backing Up, Backing Up
bar tabs (Word), Tab types
bars (Excel charts), Step 5: Refine the Chart’s Appearance, Transparent Bars, Error bars, Error bars
error, Error bars, Error bars
transparent, Step 5: Refine the Chart’s Appearance, Transparent Bars
baseline shift (Word), Character Spacing
bibliographies (Word), BibliographiesFootnotes and Endnotes, Footnotes and Endnotes
black slides (PowerPoint), Transitions, Putting Controls on Slides
blind carbon copies (email), Step 1: Addressing the message
bold type style, Styles of Type, Small Caps, All Caps
bookmarks (Word), Field printing optionsInserting Captions, Navigating by Bookmark, Navigating by Bookmark, Inserting Captions, Page range entries
in documents, Field printing optionsInserting Captions, Navigating by Bookmark, Navigating by Bookmark, Inserting Captions
in indexes, Page range entries
borders, Autoformatting as you type, Working with Linked Text Boxes, Changing cell size, Hiding and showing rows and columnsAdding number formats, Cell borders and colors method two: The Formatting Palette, Cell borders and colors method two: The Formatting Palette, Cell borders and colors method two: The Formatting Palette, Adding number formats
autoformatting in Word, Autoformatting as you type
dragging cell, Changing cell size
drawing/formatting cell, Hiding and showing rows and columnsAdding number formats, Cell borders and colors method two: The Formatting Palette, Cell borders and colors method two: The Formatting Palette, Cell borders and colors method two: The Formatting Palette, Adding number formats
styles of text box, Working with Linked Text Boxes
bound-book pages (Word), Bound-book pages
breaks, Inserting Breaks, Page break
brightness, Choosing a projector
brochure templates (Project Gallery), New
browsing in Word, The Navigator ButtonsFind, The Navigator Buttons, Find, Find
bulleted lists, Autoformatting as you type, Hidden Text, Formatting, Extra Features in the Bullets and Numbering Dialog BoxCustomizing a numbered list, Customizing a numbered list, Customizing a numbered list, Customizing a numbered list, Formatting bullets, Graphics as bullets, Adding Animations
Bullets/Numbering dialog box (Word), Extra Features in the Bullets and Numbering Dialog BoxCustomizing a numbered list, Customizing a numbered list, Customizing a numbered list, Customizing a numbered list
PowerPoint, Formatting bullets, Graphics as bullets, Adding Animations
Word, Autoformatting as you type, Hidden Text, Formatting
bullets, Customizing a numbered list
buttons (Office), Standard Toolbar, Showing Other Toolbars, To move a button or delete it from a toolbar, Attaching Custom Toolbars to Documents
adding/deleting toolbar, Showing Other Toolbars, To move a button or delete it from a toolbar
customizing toolbar, Standard Toolbar
drawing toolbar, Attaching Custom Toolbars to Documents
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