Function as a return value

As mentioned, higher-order functions also support returning a function as a result. Let's demonstrate this by an example:

def transferMoney(money: Double) = {
if (money > 1000)
(money: Double) => "Dear customer we are going to add the following
amount as Fee: "+money * 0.05
(money: Double) => "Dear customer we are going to add the following
amount as Fee: "+money * 0.1
val returnedFunction = TransferMoney(1500)

The preceding code segment will produce the following output:

Dear customer, we are going to add the following amount as Fee: 75.0

Let's run the previous example as shown in the following screenshot; it shows how to use the function as a return value:

Figure 7: Function as a return value

The complete code of the preceding example can be seen as follows:

package com.chapter3.ScalaFP
object FunctionAsReturnValue {
def transferMoney(money: Double) = {
if (money > 1000)
(money: Double) => "Dear customer, we are going to add following
amount as Fee: " + money * 0.05
(money: Double) => "Dear customer, we are going to add following
amount as Fee: " + money * 0.1
def main(args: Array[String]) {
val returnedFunction = transferMoney(1500.0)
println(returnedFunction(1500)) //Prints Dear customer, we are
going to add following amount as Fee: 75.0

The output of the preceding code is as follows:

Dear customer, we are going to add following amount as Fee: 75.0

Now before stopping our discussion on HFO, let's see a real-life example, that is, currying using HFO.

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