Chapter 1. Welcome to the World of Packet Analysis with Wireshark

This chapter provides you an introduction to the basics of the TCP/IP model and familiarizes you with the GUI of Wireshark along with a sample packet capture. You will be introduced to the following topics:

  • What is Wireshark?
  • How does it work?
  • A brief overview of the TCP/IP model
  • An introduction to packet analysis
  • Why use Wireshark?
  • Understanding the GUI of Wireshark
  • The first packet capture

Introduction to Wireshark

Wireshark is one of the most advanced packet capturing software, which makes the life of system/network administrators easy and proves its usefulness among the groups of security evangelists. Wireshark is also called a protocol analyzer, which helps IT professionals in debugging network-level problems. This tool can be of great use to optimize network performance.

Wireshark runs around dissecting network-level packets and showing packet details to concerned users as per their requirement. If you are one of those who deals with packet-level networking everyday, then Wireshark is for you and can be used for multiple troubleshooting purposes.

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