Using the Summary tool from the Statistics menu

In this recipe we will learn how to get general information about the data that runs over the network.

Getting ready

Start Wireshark, click on Statistics.

How to do it...

To use the Summary tool from the Statistics menu, follow the ensuing steps:

  1. From the statistics menu, choose Summary.
    How to do it...

    What you will get is the Summary window (displayed in the following two screenshots).

  2. As shown in the following screenshot, in the upper side of the window, you will see:
    • File: This part of the window provides file data, such as file name and path, length, and so on
    • Time: This part on the window displays the start time, end time, and duration of capture
    • Capture: This part of the window shows on which interface the file was captured and also displays a remark window
    How to do it...
  3. In the lower part of the window is the Display window, where you will get a summary of the capture file statistics; this includes:
    • The number of packets that were captured: their total number and percentage
    • The number of packets displayed (after passing the Display Filter)
    • The number of packets that are marked
    How to do it...

How it works...

This menu simply collects all the captured data, and when a filter is defined, it presents the filtered data. When the question is, "how do I use Wireshark simply to know what is the average packets or bytes per second?", this is your answer.

There's more...

From the Summary window, you can get the average packets/second and bits/second of the entire captured file and also for the displayed data.

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