USBPcap has been there from a long time with Linux and Mac users, but for Windows, this is the first time that users will be able to sniff the activity over USB interfaces. So, let's quickly walk through this latest feature and try to understand how to work with it with the help of an example. Follow the given steps to replicate the scenario:

  1. After the successful installation of Wireshark on your Windows machine, it is highly recommended that you restart your machine because USBPcap might give you some trouble.
  2. After your PC has restarted, open Command Prompt and change your current directory to the USBpcap installation directory that should be located at C:Program FilesUSBPcap.
  3. Now, perform a directory listing using the dir command to check whether USBPcapCMD.exe is present in the directory. Refer to the following screenshot that represents this step:

    Figure 9.23: The USBPcap installation directory

  4. Type USBPcapCMD.exe in the Command Prompt to launch the sniffing application.
  5. As soon as it has been launched successfully, you will be asked to choose a root hub over which you want to sniff the traffic and the name of the trace file where you want to redirect the output. Refer to following screenshot that illustrates this:
  6. Now, as instructed, the application will initiate the sniffing process over root hub 1 and will dump any activity captured over the USB interfaces to the abc.pcap file.
  7. Now, try to copy something from your PC to the USB drive or vice versa. You probably won't be able to see any live activity over the Command Prompt, but in the background, it is actually running.
  8. Whenever you want to stop the sniffing process, you can press Ctrl + C.
  9. Now, it's time to open the abc.pcap file using Wireshark to see what we have in the trace file. Refer to the following screenshot that illustrates this:

    Figure 9.24: The abc.pcap trace file

As you can see, we have an activity, which got captured; it all looks similar to what we saw with network packets. We have all the familiar columns that list out various details such as time, source, destination, and so on. So we were able to successfully dump the activity over available USB interfaces without any technical hassle and I hope you will do some research to get a better understanding about USBPcap.

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