Monitoring jitter and delay using Wireshark

Jitter and delay are characteristics that can significantly influence various network applications. For monitoring jitter and delay on a communication line, you can use simple or graphical Ping tools that will show you the line characteristics. Wireshark on the other hand does not measure the end-to-end delay but the influence that it has on the network traffic, that is inter-frame delay and how it influences applications.

In this recipe, we will see how to use Wireshark tools for monitoring these parameters, and in the next recipe we will see how to discover problems caused by them.

Getting ready

For monitoring delay on a communication line, first use the ping command to get the feeling of the line, and then configure port mirror to the port you want to monitor.

How to do it...

To monitor inter-frame delay:

  1. From Statistics, select IO Graph.
  2. For monitoring time between frames in a specific stream of data:
    1. Click on a packet in the TCP or UDP stream.
    2. Click on Follow TCP Stream or Follow UDP stream.
    3. Copy the displayed filter string that showed up (numbered 1 in the next screenshot).
  3. From statistics open IO Graph.
  4. In IO Graph, in the Y Axis part (bottom-right side of the window), select Advanced... (numbered 2 in the following diagram).
  5. Copy the TCP stream number (numbered 1 in the following diagram) to the Filter field in the IO Graph (numbered 3 in the following diagram).
    How to do it...
  6. Select AVG(*) (numbered 4 in the preceding diagram).
  7. Configure the filter frame.time_delta_displayed (numbered 5 in the preceding diagram).
  8. In the graph (numbered 6 in the preceding diagram), you see the time between frames in milliseconds.
  9. By navigating to Statistics | TCP Stream Graph | Round Trip Time Graph, you will get the same results as shown in the following diagram:
    How to do it...
  10. In the diagram, we see that the Round Trip Time (RTT) varies between values that are lower than 10 ms and up to 200-300 ms.
  11. To measure delays in layer 4, use the TCP filter tcp.analysis.ack_rtt that will give you the time that it takes to acknowledge every received packet.

How it works...

The software simply captures packets over the line, and shows you the time difference between them. It is important to notice that there is a delay or jitter, but we will not see where it is coming from.

Delay is the time that it takes a packet to get from one end of the network to the other. It is usually referred to as RTT. Delay can be measured with simple Ping or graphical Ping tools. Delay is measured in seconds – milliseconds (ms), microseconds (µs), and so on.

Jitter in IP networks measure the variations in delay. For example, if we have an average delay of 100 ms, and it varies between 80 ms and 120 ms, the jitter is 20 percent.

There's more...

Graphical Ping tools are available for free on many websites. You can use, for example,

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