
The newer version of Wireshark has adopted a new framework that gives us a new and totally amazing GUI. The older version was built upon the GTK framework, and since now we have the QT framework, from the perspective of a normal user, the differences are mostly concerned with its look and feel.

Scrolling is definitely one of the tools that we all have seen in all major applications, but hats off to the developers who came up with such a creative idea of showing the coloring pattern of your trace file inside the scroll bar while you are trying to look for something specific. It does give an extra advantage.

The Translation feature makes Wireshark more international and close to every user in terms of personalization. As many Wireshark users might not comfortable with the English language, now they have the facility to change the language to their native language, which would make the analytical process for a professional more effective.

Graphs are one of the features using which differences between normal and abnormal conditions can be figured out, and are used very often. Now, creating and customizing graphs is easier than ever, and the look and feel has drastically improved as well.

The following protocol-specific streams dialog is introduced with some of the new features that let you find an ASCII string, and itlets you move easily between the streams available too; you don't have to close and reopen the dialog to move to a different stream.

USBPcap has been there with us for quite a long time, and most Linux and Mac users are probably aware of this fact. The way your NIC card lets you listen over the wired/wireless channel is similar to the way the USBpcap option would let you listen over the USB ports that you have. This means that now, Wireshark can also trace the activities happening over a USB interface.

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