Getting information through TCP stream graphs – the Round Trip Time window

The Round Trip Time window of the TCP stream graphs enables us to look at the round trip between sequence numbers and the time they were acknowledged. Along with other graphs, it provides us with a look at the performance of the connection.

Getting ready

Open an existing capture or start a new capture. Click on a specific packet in the capture file. Even though you can use this feature on a running capture, it is not meant for online statistics, so it is recommended that you start a capture, stop it, and then use this tool.

How to do it...

To view the TCP stream graph statistics, perform the following steps:

  1. Click on a packet in the stream you want to monitor.
  2. From the Statistics menu navigate to TCP StreamGraph | Round Trip Time Graph. The following window will open up:
    How to do it...

    In the preceding graph, we see that most of the sequence numbers were acknowledged in a short time; however, there is some instability that will influence the TCP performance.

How it works...

What we see in the graph is a plot of TCP sequence numbers versus the time that took to acknowledge them. Actually, this is the time between a sent packet and the ACK received for that packet.

There's more...

When you see a graph that shows instabilities, it's not necessarily a problem. It can also be that this is how the application works. You can see that it took time to acknowledge a packet because there is a problem, or because a server is waiting for a response, or because a client is browsing a web server and the user is waiting between clicks on new links.

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