Chapter 4. Using Basic Statistics Tools

In this chapter you will learn:

  • Using the Summary tool from the Statistics menu
  • Using the Protocol Hierarchy tool from the Statistics menu
  • Using the Conversations tool from the Statistics menu
  • Using the Endpoints tool from the Statistics menu
  • Using the HTTP tool from the Statistics menu
  • Configuring Flow Graph for viewing TCP flows
  • Creating IP-based statistics


One of Wireshark's strengths is the statistical tools. While using Wireshark, we have various types of tools starting from simple tools for listing end nodes and conversations to the more sophisticated tools such as Flow and IO graphs.

In the next two chapters we will learn how to use these tools. In this chapter we will look at the simple tools that provide us with basic network statistics; that is, who talks to whom over the network, which are the "chatty" devices, what packet sizes run over the network, while in the next chapter we'll get into tools such as IO and Stream graphs, which provide us with much more information about the behavior of the network.

There are some tools that we will not talk about; those that are quite obvious (for example, Packet sizes), and those that are less common (such as ANSP, BACnet, and others).

To use the Statistics tool, start Wireshark and choose Statistics from the main menu.

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