Configuring Flow Graph for viewing TCP flows

In this recipe we will learn how to use the Flow Graph feature.

Getting ready

Open Wireshark and from the Statistics menu choose Flow Graph. The following window will open:

Getting ready

How to do it...

You can choose several options in the Flow Graph window, such as:

  • What to view:
    • Choose All packets: for viewing all captured packets
    • Choose Displayed packets: for viewing only filtered packets
  • Flow type:
    • General flow will show all captured or displayed packets (for what you choose before).
    • TCP flow will show only TCP flags, sequence, and ACK numbers. This graph provides a very partial picture of the flow.

How it works...

Simply by creating simple statistics from the captured file: nothing special to say here.

There's more...

Understanding TCP problems is sometimes quite complex. The best way to do it most of the time is to use graphical software that have better graphical interface, or simply take a piece of paper along with different colored pens and draw it yourself.

A friendly software that can do the job is the Cascade Pilot package by the developers of Wireshark which can be found at

You can see an example of a self-made graph in the following image:

There's more...

After preparing a few graphs, you will know them like the back of your hand.

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