Get More Time to Get More Done

Time is at a premium for everyone today. Let’s face it—24 hours is just not enough time to get it all done. And with businesses today pressed to do more with less, employees are stretched to the maximum.

But delegation can be your ticket for getting more time to get things done. For example, you may have four meetings scheduled in one day, but you still have to meet the deadline for completing the conference marketing plan. If this is enough to make your heart start racing and your head swimming—stop!


Pick those tasks that absolutely must have your attention and delegate the rest.

That’s right. With all that you have to do and in such little time, stop—but just long enough to ask yourself if you really have to be at the meetings? Can one of your staff members attend one or two of the meetings and brief you afterward? Or can a coworker attend on your behalf?

It is true that 80 percent of success is just showing up. But you have to balance that against another adage: pick your battles. The same is true in prioritizing your work.

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