Let Go of Assumptions

We all have assumptions about lots of things. Truthfully, we can’t effectively operate without assumptions.


Identify your assumptions about the organization, its people, its goals and objectives, and everything else, and open yourself to new information. Make new assumptions during the decision-making process—don’t rely on old ones.

However, in decision-making processes, we want to let go of all of our assumptions—especially any that have any bearing on the decision we need to make. If it is a group consensus effort, everyone in the group needs to let go of their assumptions.

Assumptions are the things we simply take for granted as truths. We simply accept them without questioning them. Usually, we’re right. Usually, our assumptions are based on knowledge and personal experience, and they are valid.

But when making important decisions, we need to let those assumptions go and assume nothing. In fact, we should even question any assumption that comes up and determine its validity. Don’t ever assume anything is true until you have validated its truthfulness.

After all, making a decision based on a faulty assumption leads to a faulty decision.

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