Better Results

In delegating, you give your employees skin in the game. You align them with a higher purpose—the big picture. When you share your vision with your employees, and then help them understand how a delegated task or responsibility can contribute to the bigger picture, you set the stage for better results.

And practicing the ETFs of delegation ensures you get those better results. By setting expectations, you make it clear what you want the end game to look like. In establishing a time line, you make it clear when you want those results to come to fruition, and when you regularly follow up, you get to see the process of those results blossoming from expectations into reality.


Use delegation to help encourage dedication to better results as a whole.

When employees are included in achieving the big picture through delegation, they are much more likely to be dedicated to the end game. And they are less likely to be distracted or deterred by potential problems and barriers. Instead, they tend to be more hopeful, more confident, and more committed.

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