Be a Resource

Go beyond being a source of work assignments and, instead, become a resource for your employees.

That means you not only make information available, but you actively seek it out and readily share it with others. You also align that information with your team members’ development needs and delegated assignments. Being a resource means you act as a well of knowledge that others can go to when they have questions, or just want to know more on a particular topic.


Build and maintain a catalogue of information and a network of knowledgeable professionals to help you set up your team to succeed in the tasks and responsibilities you delegate to them.

And no, that does not mean you have to have all the answers to all the questions.

Being a resource simply means having enough knowledge to lead people to the answers. Perhaps you know of a good book or course that can give more insight and information on a particular topic. If you belong to a professional organization, you can share publications and articles with your team to expose them to other voices in the industry on an issue they are dealing with—or need to be ready to deal with down the road.

Or maybe you know of someone, or someone who knows someone, who works in a specific field and would be willing to share her expertise with your employees.

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