Consulting the Key Players

Once you have identified the need to make a decision and consult with key people, you need to make certain you have correctly identified the right players. A rule of thumb is that anyone who will be affected by the decision should be consulted. If their processes will be affected, consult them. If their business outcomes will be affected, consult them. This applies to other managers as well as to your own work team.

When consulting, make sure you convey to them that you are only doing that—consulting. You will make the decision, but you are asking for their input and recommendations. Never imply that they are part of the decision-making process. When you consult, you are clearly seeking input, not partners in the decision.


Practice a few lines akin to this example. Write them down so you can retrieve them as needed. Make certain they clearly indicate you will be making the decision, and you are asking only for input.

Here’s one way to do this: “Hi, Frank, I’m trying to decide whether to move our Task A from Office A to Office B. As I make my decision, I’m asking any key players, like you, what the affect might be from your perspective.” A statement like this clearly asks for input, yet just as directly indicates you will be making the decision.

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