The Importance of Trust

Booker T. Washington once said, “Few things help an individual more than to place responsibility upon him, and to let him know that you trust him.”

This is never more true than when delegating to someone. In fact, trust is a core principle of good delegation. Yes, trusting someone with key responsibilities, tasks, and authority means taking some risk. But all businesses face some risk—it can’t be avoided. Yet, if you follow the ETFs of delegation, you can greatly reduce the risks involved and venture to trust those around you.

And showing someone that you trust him can be like a spark that fuels his motivation and gets him moving in the right direction. Think about a time when someone put her trust in you with a special task. Didn’t it feel good to know that someone had confidence in you? Didn’t you strive to give your very best, because he believed in you?

When you trust your employees to carry out delegated tasks and responsibilities, you give them much more than direction and work. You show them you believe in them. And that kind of investment can garner returns that are sometimes beyond measure in people’s lives.


Remember this! The effects of good delegation really can be profound.

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