Popularity Is a Plus

If you find you are popular among your employees, and that popularity has been earned through your integrity, you’ll likely find delegation easy to implement.

Human resource experts have found that employees’ motivation and job satisfaction are tied directly to the relationship with their supervisor. And happy employees tend to be committed, enthusiastic, loyal, and eager to learn and grow. These are the attitude ingredients your employees need for delegation to work effectively.

It is worth taking the time to assess your level of popularity among your employees. An anonymous survey is an excellent way to gauge what your employees think about you as a leader.

But what if you don’t get high marks from employees? View it as an opportunity, a personal and professional challenge, to identify where there may be gaps in your integrity—consistency, fairness, authenticity—and develop a plan to fix them.


Strive to develop a happy team, because happy employees tend to be committed, enthusiastic, loyal, and eager to learn and grow.

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