Go Mindless!

If you’ve been running on all four cylinders of brainpower, then slam on the breaks and go mindless—by doing something that doesn’t use much brainpower at all.

That could be washing the dishes, vacuuming, cleaning your desk, or straightening your files. The point is to choose something that you can do on autopilot.

Stay clear of activities that require you to make choices or analyze anything. To go mindless means to do something you’re so familiar with you could do it in your sleep.

Scientists have found that switching from heavy-duty thinking to more routine tasks is similar to flipping a circuit breaker. You go from grappling in the dark with a decision to suddenly finding the solution bathed in a whole new light.


Clean your desk, wash the dishes, or do something routine that doesn’t require you to think about it.

In fact, the sense of accomplishment you get from completing a routine task can restart your confidence, dissolve your frustration, and clear your head. And the best part about going mindless is that you don’t have to go mindless for long. A half hour of switching gears can be enough for most people to give their brains a rest and get back into the action.

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