Make Quick, Quality Decisions

Have you ever heard yourself say: “I just need time to get my hands around this?” Or felt you had so much to do you couldn’t focus long enough to give decisions quality thought?

Well, you’re not alone. In a world where everyone is expected to do more with less, it is easy to feel like your attention is pulled in several different directions. In fact, if you had the time to think straight, and good information to work from, you could find better ways to do even more with less. Right?


Delegate select decision-making responsibilities and tasks to the right people, and give yourself the luxury of delivering quicker, quality decisions that could buy you greater efficiency, effectiveness, and more time!

Once again, delegation can be the cure for this thought-depleting disease of doing more with less. How? By delegating, you push decisions to those who are closest to the work and who are often very familiar with processes and practices that can hinder your team’s ability to do more with less. Relying on those who are closest to the work to make key decisions based on expectations and direction you’ve established, can result in quicker and better quality decisions.

But that’s not the only benefit. Delegating decisions and responsibilities to those on the front lines allows you more time to think. Yes—delegating will give you time to stop and think, review critical reports and plans, and hold crucial conversations with your management peers and superiors.

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