How to Listen Effectively

Because listening is so important, how do we do a good job?

First, remember that listening is not hearing. Hearing is the active acquisition and translation of sound waves into meaningful concepts. Hearing is in the ears and then the mind.


Practice some of these techniques on a regular basis, so you can develop an expertise in good, solid listening skills.

Listening is the mental activity of attending to someone else’s communication with the goal of gaining understanding. Here are some simple tips:

1. Focus on the speaker alone; tune out other stimuli.

2. Actively listen. Pay attention to the communication, and tune out other thoughts and concerns you are having.

3. Remember, if you are talking, you are not listening! Minimize your own speaking.

4. Concentrate on learning from what the other person is saying. The goal is understanding.

5. Suspend your preconceptions about the person, the subject, the circumstances. Try to focus on the topic and the listening experience objectively.

6. Keep emotional reactions under control.

7. Use active physical listening techniques: leaning forward during the conversation, maintaining eye contact, and providing positive feedback like nodding of head.

8. Minimize interruptions. Be patient and allow the speaker to finish his or her thoughts.

9. Suspend judgment. It’s about listening and learning, not about arguing.

10. Ask good, relevant, and insightful questions.

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