Consult With Mentors, Veterans in Your Field, Company Experts, and Colleagues

So, if you choose to seek others’ advice, who should you consult? You probably already know the answer. First, consult with your fellow managers. Many have gone through the experience and can help you by sharing their experiences. In addition, if your decision will have an affect on their work, you would want their opinion anyway.

Consider consulting other experts in the company. They may not be your fellow managers, but they may well have expertise you need. A very good example is your human resources experts on staff, especially if your decision is going to affect employees in any way. They have seen lots of problems caused by management decisions and can suggest possible effective approaches from real experience.

Consider talking with other veterans in your particular field. You know them from your participation in trade and professional associations. They may have had a similar experience and can share that with you.


Make an informal list of people you could use as consultants when you are called upon to make an important decision. Use the list as needed.

Also always consult with your mentor. You have one, right? Your mentor is someone you consult with about your career on a regular basis. Use them to help guide your decision making as well.

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