Sweat It Out!

Sweating through a tough decision? Then throw on your workout clothes and start sweating for real.

A 2004 study conducted by researchers at the University of Illinois shows that exercise can improve brain activity in people of all ages, from children to senior adults.

So if you’re struggling with a mental block, get yourself moving. A brisk walk can do wonders for clearing your head. Heck, you can even take the dog along—if you must multitask. Or, if you’re into running, roller blading, or playing tennis, get going. Just do something to get your blood pumping, push more oxygen through your system, refresh and reinvigorate your brain cells.


Stop trying to sweat through mental fatigue! Instead, get up and exercise your way to a clearer head and more powerful sense of self.

Exercising can do more for your mind than just improve your oxygen levels. It can also give you a sense of being physically powerful. Let’s face it: when you’re mentally fatigued, you can start to feel powerless. In fact, the feeling of powerlessness is the root cause of frustration.

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